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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №4 2013


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Первый авторФараджев Али Аладдин
АннотацияВ настоящей статье анализируется понятие и правовой статус современного работодателя по нормам действующего Трудового Кодекса Азербайджанской Республики и других стран СНГ, в частности, Российской Федерации. Автор делает попытку систематизировать точки зрения ученых по поводу понятия и правового статуса работодателя и вносит конкретные предложения по совершенствованию действующего трудового законодательства
Фараджев, А.А. ПОНЯТИЕ И ПРАВОВОЙ СТАТУС СОВРЕМЕННОГО РАБОТОДАТЕЛЯ ПО НОРМАМ ДЕЙСТВУЮЩЕГО ТРУДОВОГО КОДЕКСА АЗЕРБАЙДЖАНСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ / А.А. Фараджев // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2013 .— №4 .— С. 119-125 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/580855 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

THE CONCEPT AND THE LEGAL STATUS OF THE EMPLOYER ACCORDING TO THE NORMS OF MODERN CURRENT LABOUR CODE OF AZERBAIJAN REPUBLIC Faradzhev Aladdin Ali oglu, Doctoral student at employment and environmental law chair. <...> E-mail: ali.farajzade @ mail.ru Annotation: In persisting article is analysed notion and legal status of the modern employer on rate acting Labor Code of the Azerbaijani Republic and the other countries C.I.S., in particular Russian Federation. <...> The Author does the attempt to systematize the standpoint a scientist on cause of the notion and legal status of the employer and contributes the concrete offers on improvement acting labor legislation. <...> M. Gosyurizdat, 1961 Alekseev SS General Theory of Law: A Textbook. <...> M.: Prospect, 2009 Hillocks LY Definition and classification of collective agreements in labor law / / State and law. 2002. <...> Number 3 Golovin SY Choice of terms to refer to concepts in the labor law / / Jurisprudence. 2000. <...> Number 5 Golovin SY Conceptual system of labor law. <...> Ekaterinburg: Publishing House "UgGYuA", 1997 The Civil Code of the Azerbaijan Republic. <...> Moscow: Publishing of Mr. M. Tikhomirov, 1996 Zaitseva OB Labour personality as a legal category. <...> Orenburg, LLC "Agency" Press ", 2006 AR Law "On the individual employment agreements (contracts)." Baku: Qanun, 1996 Course of Russian labor law. <...> University Press, 1996 GV Maltsev Socialist law and individual freedom. <...> Lit., 1968 Mironov VI Employment Law: A Textbook for high schools. <...> St. Petersburg.: Peter., 2009 D. Nikonov, AV Stremoukhov Employment Law: A course of lectures. <...> Moscow: Norma, 2008 Polyakov AV General Theory of Law: Problems of interpretation in the context of the communicative approach: The course lectures. <...> University Press, 2004 Rights of employers in labor relations / ed. AF Nurtdinova, LA Chikanova. <...> Moscow: Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 1959 The Law of Azerbaijan Republic "On the individual employment agreements (contracts)." Baku: Qanun, 1996 See: Legislation on labor. <...> Commentary on the Law of Labour and the Labour Code of the Russian Federation. <...> Labor Code of the Azerbaijan Republic (as amended on 1 November 1996.). <...> Baku, 1996 See: Labor Code of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic. <...> Baku <...>