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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №4 2013


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Первый авторСтепаненко Равия Фаритовна
АннотацияВ статье рассматриваются проблемные аспекты соотнесения маргинального поведения с различными видами правового поведения. Выдвигается гипотеза о возможном признании маргинального поведения пограничным между правомерным, неправомерным и противоправным
Степаненко, Р.Ф. СОВРЕМЕННАЯ КОНЦЕПЦИЯ МАРГИНАЛЬНОГО ПОВЕДЕНИЯ В ОБЩЕЙ ТЕОРИИ ПРАВА: ДИСКУССИОННЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ / Р.Ф. Степаненко // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2013 .— №4 .— С. 34-38 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/580839 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

THE MODERN CONCEPT OF MARGINAL BEHAVIOR IN THE GENERAL THEORY OF LAW: CONTROVERSIAL ASPECTS Stepanenko Raviya Faritovna; PhD at Law. <...> Position: Associate Professor at Theory and History of State and Law chair. <...> Place of employment: UnТvОrsТtв oП ManaРОmОnt «Tatar InstitutО Пor BusТnОss AssТstanМО», Kaгan, Law Department. <...> Email: StepanenkoRF@yandex.ru Annotation: The article deals with the problematic aspects of relating marginal behavior with different types of legal behavior. <...> A hypothesis about the possible recognition of marginal behavior borderline between legitimate, illegitimate and illegal. <...> Literature list: Stepanenko RF The genesis of general legal theory of marginality: monograph / RF Stepanenko / / Under. <...> Maximova IM Sense of justice as a source of legal behavior of the individual. <...> I. Maximov Sense of justice as a source of legal behavior of the individual. <...> Science. - Nizhny Novgorod, 2005. - S. 61; Kovalev EL Lawful and unlawful behavior (their ratio). <...> Science. - Sverdlovsk, 1987; Khuzhin AN Objectively wrongful conduct in Russian law. <...> Science. - Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. - S. 42; Lelyavin SV The behavior is not inconsistent with the legal requirements as the basis of state coercion. - Diss. on competition. uch. step. <...> A.N. Khuzhin Objectively wrongful conduct in Russian law. <...> Petrazhitsky LI Theory of Law and State in connection with the theory of morality. - Moscow: Russian Political Encyclopedia (ROSSPEN), 2010. - Pp. 441, 442. (Of 800). <...> AN Khuzhin Objectively wrongful conduct in Russian law. <...> Terms of liminality and medial mean average, intermediate, mediating the behavior - RS S. Lelyavin The behavior is not inconsistent with the legal requirements as the basis of state coercion. - Diss. on competition. uch. step. <...> Nomokonov VA - Criminal behavior. - Publishing House of the Far Eastern. <...> S. Lelyavin The behavior is not inconsistent with the legal requirements as the basis of state coercion. - Diss. on competition. uch. step. <...> Nikitin AA marginal behavior of the person as an object of theoretical and legal research. - Author. on competition. uch. step. <...> O. Fishermen The Russian legal policy in the sphere of protection of the rights and freedoms of the individual. - St. Petersburg.: Publisher R. Arslanova "Press Law Center", 2004. - S. 13.! <...> Выдвигается гипотеза о возможном признании маргинального поведения пограничным между <...>