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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №3 2013


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Первый авторАйтжанова Айжана Гадилбековна
АннотацияАвтор анализирует взгляды ученых на проблему определения методики поддержания государственного обвинения, раскрывает ее современное понятие, и приходит к заключению о том, что методика поддержания государственного обвинения не может разрабатываться в рамках единой методики уголовного преследования
Айтжанова, А.Г. СОВРЕМЕННОЕ ПОНЯТИЕ МЕТОДИКИ ПОДДЕРЖАНИЯ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО ОБВИНЕНИЯ / А.Г. Айтжанова // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2013 .— №3 .— С. 144-148 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/580827 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

THE CONTEMPORARY UNDERSTANDING OF THE METHODS OF MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC PROSECUTION Aitzhanova Aizhana Gadilbekovna, competitor. <...> Place of study: the Academy of General Prosecutor of the Russian Federation. <...> Place of employment: the Prosecutor's office of the Soviet district of city Astrakhan. -mail: nietova83@yandex.ru Annotation: The author analyzes the views of the scientists on the problem of determining methods for the maintenance of public prosecutions, reveals its modern concept, and concludes that the methodology for the maintenance of public prosecutions may not be developed in the framework of a unified methodology of criminal prosecution. <...> Literature list: Arotsker L.E. Use given criminalistics in judicial proceedings of criminal cases. <...> Vorobyev G.A.Taktika's sparrows and psychological features of judicial actions: educational manual . <...> Isayenko V. N. Technique of maintenance of the state charge (concept, principles, contents): monograph. – M: Yurlitinform, 2011. <...> Isayenko V. N. Technique of participation of the prosecutor in consideration by courts of criminal cases: condition and problems of scientific researches//Messenger of Academy of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. <...> Kirillova N. P. Maintenance of the state charge of court. <...> Page - Pb. : Publishing house St.-Petersburg legal institute of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, 2003. <...> V. State charge of conditions of judicial reform (procedural, tactical and moral aspects). <...> Korsakov K.A. Problems of definition of structure of a criminalistic technique of maintenance of the state charge: 24 - On April 25, 2007//IX Tsarkoselsky readings: "High school science of Russia for human life improvement of quality": 24 - April 25, 2007. <...> Organizational and tactical and methodical bases of criminalistic ensuring judicial proceedings of criminal cases: dis. … kand. yurid.nauk. - Krasnodar, 2007. <...> Korshunova O. N. Criminalistic techniques of criminal prosecution: features of construction and structure//Jurisprudence. - 2006 . - No. 4. – P.154. <...> Lupinskaya P.A. Evidence and proof // Criminal-procedural law of the Russian Federation: the textbook / ed. P. A. . 2-e Izd., Rev. and add. <...> Malov A.A. Maintenance of public prosecution in rape cases (МrТЦТnoХoРТМКХ КspОМЭ): НТs. …ФКnН. yurid.nauk. - S.- Peterburg, 2006. <...> Consideration of criminal cases in the МoЮrЭ oП ПТrsЭ ТnsЭКnМО / AХОФsООv V.B.,  L.E., BoгСвОv V.P., Boikov A.D., , etc.; Restored <...>