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Банковские технологии  / №10 2016


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Первый авторBolkisev Sergey
АннотацияIgenico is already 11 years the world leader in producing POS-terminals and wide ranged innovative payment devices in reliance on them. What does allow the world company with international fame actively grow and constantly surprise the market in the current economic circumstances? What principles does it follow in its practices?
Bolkisev, S. SEVEN LEADERSHIP SECRETS INGENICO: ALL FIRSTHAND FROM / S. Bolkisev // Банковские технологии .— 2016 .— №10 .— С. 62-64 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/580403 (дата обращения: 17.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

TRUSTHECH 2016 #10 (250) 2016 Seven leadership secrets from Ingenico: all firsthand Igenico is already 11 years the world leader in producing POS-terminals and wide ranged innovative payment devices in reliance on them. <...> What does allow the world company with international fame actively grow and constantly surprise the market in the current economic circumstances? <...> To each according to his needs Among the main Ingenico customers are banks and financial agencies, wholesale and retail organizations, transport and logistic companies, hotel and dining business organizations and so on — no less than 160 000 trade and service businesses and more than 1000 acquire banks. <...> We always meet the needs of every business, because we know that there are no two identical clients with identical needs. <...> Sergey Bolkisev Deputy Managing Director on sales and strategic development, Ingenico only for the long haul In every relationships we count on the long-term companionship: the key merit for us is not in the immediate profit but in the cooperation with our clients in order to help develop their businesses, to work for the future. <...> For our business depends only on their success — we always remember it. <...> Often we ourselves make the offer the client has not yet thought over yet. <...> We see no difference in the business size of our customers, whether he buys one of our machines or thousand. <...> In order to meet the needs of our clients businesses in different areas we provide them with full scale products and services — from POS-terminals and payment devices supply to the complex service help and IT-integration. <...> With every our machine it is important to us to send the client the device with all its value, discover all its abilities and explain how to operate properly this or that product. <...> Help the companion and We always carefully watch over our client’s business — and thanks to that we grow as the market grows. <...> In our company we don’t mark or distinguish between different departments or people. <...> We say for a reason that produce not only technological products but whole machine ecosystems which must «seal» the client’s business problems. <...> For it the company has a whole scientific institute which <...>