Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 644910)

Маркетинг в образовании

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АвторыЧернопятов Александр Михайлович, Попова Вера Владимировна
ИздательствоLulu Press, Inc.
Аннотация Учебное пособие для бакалавров, магистрантов, обучающихся по программе педагогических специальностей высшего образования и слушателей курсов повышения квалификации, а также профессиональной переподготовки, осваивающих программы ДПО "Менеджмент в образовании". Содержит изложение современных знаний о роли и возможностях государства в развитии образовательных учреждений с акцентом на правовое обеспечение, механизмы и инфраструктуру их реализации, а также на потери и угрозы для них от неэффективной политики государства. Включает теоретическую часть, программно-методическое обеспечение изучаемого курса, рекомендации для преподавателей, контрольные задания, вопросы и списки рекомендуемых источников.
Маркетинг в образовании / А. М. Чернопятов, В. В. Попова .— North Carolina : Lulu Press, Inc., 2017 .— 237 с. — ISBN 978-1-326-91663-3 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/577075 (дата обращения: 11.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

The textbook was approved at the meeting of the department of theory and practice management of BU IN Surgut state pedagogical University, Protocol №3 from 02.11.2016. <...> At the present stage, based on the existing realities, this discipline is actually examined in all specialties and in the education system does not cause any issues. <...> In the educational system there is a new discipline of marketing in education. <...> If pre-existing system of training (specialty) in the course of this subject is allocated sufficient time for theoretical education and practical training. <...> The change that has occurred since the early 90-ies of XX century the socio-economic structure of the Russian Federation, argues and emerging market relations, determine new approaches in the education system. <...> In the short term, but it is a little more than two decades, the education system in the Russian Federation has experienced a lot of various reforms and changes: the establishment of new national standards of educational services, the transition to paid education and leave the state monopoly in the field of educational services. <...> Modernization, restructuring, reform of the Economics of education, change of conditions of activity of educational institutions has led to an increased 11 demand for educational services and radically modified the requirements to their content and structure. <...> For a short period of time in the system of educational services through marketing and management, and today, under the educational institutions understood "socially important open systems, subject to the laws of market economy (business)". <...> The stagnating ow is often caused by the unwillingness and resistance of some managers and teaching staff to make the commercialization of educational services. <...>
MARKETING IN EDUCATION A. M. Сhernopyatov, V.V. Popova КЕ   . . Ч, . .  Lulu Press, Inc. Raleigh, North Carolina, USA 2017
UDC 339.138 M31 Reviewers: Abramov, V. L. — doctor of economic Sciences, Professor Makushenko, L. V. — doctor of economic Sciences, associate Professor Рецензенты: Ар В. . —   ,  кущек . В. —   ,          С    Printed on the recommendation of the Department of theory and practice of management Surgut state pedagogical University У         У  С   ,  №3  02.11.2016. The textbook was approved at the meeting of the department of theory and practice management of BU IN Surgut state pedagogical University, Protocol №3 from 02.11.2016. M31 Marketing in education / A. M. hernopyatov, V. V. Popova. Raleigh, North Carolina, USA: Lulu Press, 2017. 237 p. ISBN 978-1-326-91663-3  -   , ,            ,    ,   Д "  ". У-    , -   ,   ,        . Д -          , ,   , ,     . pedagogical specialties of higher education and courses of improvement of qualification and professional The present textbook for bachelors, undergraduates enrolled in the program of retraining, mastering of the additional educational program "Management in education". Textbook includes the theoretical part, methodology and software study course, recommendations for teachers, assignments and questions, a Glossary, and a list of recommended istochnikov. This textbook can be recommended for use by teachers of higher education institutions, students, undergraduates and trainees, managers and specialists of management of education. (RUS) ISBN 978-1-326-91663-3 © Chemopiatov . ., 2017 © Popova V. V.2017 © Lulu Press, Inc., 2017
 …………………………………………………………………………………………5 ……………………………………………………………………………………………..8  I.  …………………………………………………………………...13  1. :  ,   ………………………………13 1.1.  ………………………………………………………………...13 1.2., ,    …………………………..............................15 1.3.  . -……………………………..............................20  2.   ................................................................................24 2.1.  ………………………………………………………………..24 2.2.  …………………………………………………………………...25 2.3.    ,    …………………………………………………………………………………………27  II.      …………………………..30  3. :           …………………………………………………………………………………….30 3.1. : , ,      …………………30 3.2.    ……………………………………………….33 3.3.       ………………35 3.4.       ………………………………37  4.     …………………………………………42 4.1.  «  »  «  »……………………………………………………………………………………………….42 4.2.       « »………………………………………………………………………………………..45 4.3.      …………………………………………………...48 4.4.    ………………………………………………..49  5.      …………………….58 5.1.   …………………………………………...58 5.2.      ………………………...62 5.3.    ……………………….66 5.4.     …………………………...68  III.      ……………………70  6.      ..70 6.1.   ………………………………………………………………70 6.2.         …………………...........................................................................................................72 6.3. ………………………………………………………………..76 6.4. - ……………………………………79  7.         ………85 7.1.   …………………………………………………….85 7.2.  …………………………………………………….88 7.3. ………………………………………………………………..90 7.4.  ……………………………………………………….94 7.5.  …………………………………………………..97  8.     ………....99 8.1.………………………………………………………………………………99 8.2.  ………………………………………………………………………101 8.3.    …………………………………………………………..104  IV.   ,     ……………………………………………………………………………………..107  9.      ………………….........107 9.1.    ……………………………………………….107 9.2.  ………………………………………………………………………111 3
9.3.     ………………………………..114  10.       ………………………………………………………………………………………117 10.1.    ……………………………………117 10.2.    ……………………………....120 10.3.        …………………………………………………………………………………………122  11.  . . . ………………………………...128 11.1.,   ……………………………………………………..128 11.2.    , ……………………………..130 11.3.          …………………………………………………………………...131 11.4.     ……………………………………………133 11.5.     …………………………………………..134  V.      …………………………………………………………………139  12.   ……………………………………139 12.1.    ……………………………139 12.2.            ………………………………………………..149 12.3.     …...166 12.4      ………………………………………………………………………………………175 12.5.   ,      ………………………………………………………..182 . 13.      ………………………………190 13.1.- ,    ……………………………………………………………………………………….190 13.2.    …………………………………….193 13.3.      ………………202 13.4.   ……………………207   ……………………………………………………………….213  ……………………………………………………………………….229 …………………………………………………………………………………..235 4
  «  »       ,           ,  ,    ,    .          ,  ,     ,         ,    .        ,  , ,   ,    ,  .  «  »        ,             ,                 .       ,    , -        .                    ,     ,            .     ,  –         -        ,               . 1.       «  »           «  ».   «  »     : «   », «    », «   », «    ».            : «   »; «   »; «   »; 5
« »; «      -» «   »; «  ». 2.                            .  1.    ; 2.  , ,     ,   ; 3.             - . 3.       «  »     : -         -           (-13).          : -       . -      . -   -  ,     . -     . 4.        3И  , _108_ ,  :    (, ,  () ,   ) 28__ 6
  __80____          ИИИИ___ 5.   -              . 4          . 6.-      -   № /   1.  1.   1.1.  1. . :  ,    1.2.  2.    1.3.   2. 2.        2.1.  3. :     8        2.2.  4.      2.3.  5.      2.4.    3. 3. 3.1.         6.      3.2.  7.   8 2 7 2 6 8 2 2 6  8 8 2 2 2 2 6 6 2 2 6 8 8 2 2 2 2  6 6       ,                
      . 3.3.  8.      4.4.   4. 4    ,      4.1.  9.        4.2.  10.        4.3.  11.  . . .  4.5    5. 5.       5.1.  12.   . 5.2. . 13.           : 108 28 14 - 4 10 8 2 2    80 6 8 2 2 6 12 8 8 4 2 2 2 2 2   2 8 6 6 8 2 2   6 8
               (, )   () .      90-   .           .   ,    ,                 .    ,          , ,    .                     -, -,  .       -   .  ,                 ,     ,      . ,     –          .         ,        .               :   .       ()            .     ,                  .             .      ,   ,     ,       ,     .     ,    , ,     .    ,                 . ,    90-         ,     ,      .   - ,     9
       .     ,                ().   ,       ,           :      ,    ,       . , ,   ,                      .            ,        «   ,     ()».                 .   ,      -        .        .          .      ,         .                       ;          .        ,     «»  ()      ;   - ,       ;      ,   .      ,    ,      .   ,        ,    . Annotation 10
Marketing as a science appeared in the Russian Federation after the transition state structure with centralized (planned, command) decentralized (market) system. This origin refers to the beginning of 90-ies of the last century. But until that time this subject was not taught in schools. At the present stage, based on the existing realities, this discipline is actually examined in all specialties and in the education system does not cause any issues. This is due to the fact that marketing is one of the main disciplines for future professionals, managers in the market. And as will be understood and applied in this course to business and will depend on the economic component of the country's micro-, meso-, and macro level. In the educational system there is a new discipline of marketing in education. The very novelty of the subject, and especially a large flow of information, marketing in education very often leads even the experts are stumped, not to mention those who only starts to study this discipline. The challenge now facing us is to convey more detailed information and at the same time in reasonable form. In the textbook theoretical aspects will be covered in a limited form, and emphasis will be placed on practical direction. The study of this discipline in a practical way became most important after the transition to training on the new system: bachelor and master. If pre-existing system of training (specialty) in the course of this subject is allocated sufficient time for theoretical education and practical training. After the introduction of the new system, training time has been squashed and it is actually only enough to teach the student the basics of discipline and understanding. The rest is placed on independent study and more detailed development year of the course. The main goal as previously stated is to uncover and identify issues that traditionally cause difficulties for the beginners to learn marketing, briefly outlining the essence of the topic itself. This tutorial also applied to the modules in which there are games, tests, and tasks of marketing in education. After reviewing the proposed course, the student will be able to further explore the issue in various publications and theoretical and practical relevance. The change that has occurred since the early 90-ies of XX century the socio-economic structure of the Russian Federation, argues and emerging market relations, determine new approaches in the education system. In the prevailing socio-economic conditions, ultimately there is an urgent need for modernization and reform throughout the education system. Education management at the innovative level, became the basis and one of the driving forces behind the development of a new education system and specific educational institutions (EI). In the short term, but it is a little more than two decades, the education system in the Russian Federation has experienced a lot of various reforms and changes: the establishment of new national standards of educational services, the transition to paid education and leave the state monopoly in the field of educational services. Modernization, restructuring, reform of the Economics of education, change of conditions of activity of educational institutions has led to an increased 11
demand for educational services and radically modified the requirements to their content and structure. For a short period of time in the system of educational services through marketing and management, and today, under the educational institutions understood "socially important open systems, subject to the laws of market economy (business)". The stagnating ow is often caused by the unwillingness and resistance of some managers and teaching staff to make the commercialization of educational services. In their opinion, views and knowledge possess only the ethical and social value, and not have a cash value. To some extent this misconception about the purpose of marketing. Marketing in education cannot assume the full commercialization of educational services. It is primarily more focused on meeting the educational needs of the population and gaining knowledge. Marketing in education is able and can help you to resolve various conflicts between the high speed of changes in the economy and low rate of development of the system of educational services; between demand for education and the actual proposal from the OU. The use of marketing in OU at different stages is important, as it allows you to "conquer" the customer (buyer) by providing differentiated educational services; professional growth of the faculty teaching staff based on the quality of the educational process and learning; the redesign and reformatting of the educational system OU, fill different needs. At the present stage has become urgent, as well as how to carry out the organization of efficient marketing in education. The question of whether marketing in education is not worth it, it is already an axiom.   , ,  , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  , , , , ,  , , , , , , , . Keywords Marketing, education, educational services, staff, teachers, organization, theory, practice, purpose, subject, science, history, differentiation, client, consumer, customer, training, personnel, structural subdivisions, career, leaders, training, adaptation, labour market, reserve, interview, evaluation, testing, playing, professional, stages. 12