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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №8 2016


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Первый авторКатков Евгений Александрович
АннотацияЗадача: состоит в определении с функциональных (инструментальных) позиций места и роли мер безопасности в системе средств правового воздействия, обоснование сущностных отличий мер безопасности как особой разновидности правовых средств Модель: методологической основой исследования являются современные методы познания, выявленные юридической наукой и апробированные практикой. Статья основана на использовании положений диалектической философии.
Катков, Е.А. 2.9. МЕРЫ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ В СИСТЕМЕ СРЕДСТВ ПРАВОВОГО ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЯ: ИНСТРУМЕНТАЛЬНЫЙ АСПЕКТ / Е.А. Катков // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2016 .— №8 .— С. 83-87 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576686 (дата обращения: 17.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

THE SECURITY MEASURES IN SYSTEM OF MEANS OF LEGAL INFLUENCE: TOOL ASPECT Katkov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, postgraduate student. <...> Email: Katkov-evgen@rambler.ru Annotation Task: In article from functional (tool) positions the place and the role of security measures in the system of means of legal influence are defined, the essential differences of security measures as a special kind of legal means are proved. <...> Model: methodological basis of research are the modern methods of knowledge revealed by jurisprudence and approved by practice. <...> Conclusions: relevance and the practical importance of formation locates in article at general-theoretical level of concept of security measures, its differentiation from the concept of protection measures. <...> The special attention is  .. paid to detection of characteristic features and signs of security measures as legal category. <...> Framework research/possibility of the subsequent use of results of scientific work: provisions formulated in article and conclusions supplement and develop appropriate sections of the general theory of the state and the right: the legal mechanisms, and the security measures, the delineation of safety measures and protection. <...> Originality/value: the conducted general-theoretical research of a problem of security measures in the right can serve as a methodological basis for more their detailed scientific analysis for the solution of problems of improvement of activity of legislative and law-enforcement bodies in the sphere of safety of interests of the personality, society and the state. <...>