Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 608268)
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Первый авторShahrai
АвторыArkhipov GennadiyV., Polyakov PeterV., Mikhalev YuriG., Ivanova AntoninaM., Kalinovskaya TatianaG., Shaydulin EvgeniyR., Avdeev YuriyО.
АннотацияIn aluminium reduction technology it’s possible to reduce energy consumption and increase current efficiency by decreasing anode-cathode distance and horizontal currents in molten aluminium Horizontal currents can be decreased by replacing insulation between cathode carbon block and collector bar in area of “ledge border – anode periphery projection on lining”. As an insulator it’s technologically and economically preferable to use refractory concrete which have good adhesion to steel, and chemical resistance against cryolite-alumina melt, suffi ciently low compressive strength, which prevents cathode carbon block destruction in case of insulator volume expansion due to electrolyte attack. Results of the refractory concrete properties studies results in order to select the optimal bar’s insulator material composition are presented.
HEAT-RESISTANT CONCRETE FOR COLLECTOR BARS OF ALUMINUM REDUCTION СELLS INSULATION / SergeyG. Shahrai [и др.] // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Техника и технологии. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies .— 2016 .— №6 .— С. 136-145 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576501 (дата обращения: 10.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Engineering & Technologies, 2016, 9(6), 918-927 ~ ~ ~ УДК 669.71:620.9.1 Heat-Resistant Concrete for Collector Bars of Aluminum Reduction Сells Insulation Sergey G. Shahrai*a Antonina M. Ivanovac Peter V. Polyakova Evgeniy R. <...> Avdeevb 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia b aSiberian Federal University «RUSAL ETC» LTD 37/1 Pogranichnikov Str., Krasnoyarsk, 660111, Russia c «Scientifi c and Technical Centre ELTER», Ltd 1, 26 Bakinskihkomissarov Str., Krasnoyarsk, 660004, Russia Received 14.05.2016, received in revised form 28.06.2016, accepted 15.07.2016 In aluminium reduction technology it’s possible to reduce energy consumption and increase current effi ciency by decreasing anode-cathode distance and horizontal currents in molten aluminium. <...> Horizontal currents can be decreased by replacing insulation between cathode carbon block and collector bar in area of “ledge border – anode periphery projection on lining”. <...> As an insulator it’s technologically and economically preferable to use refractory concrete which have good adhesion to steel, and chemical resistance against cryolite-alumina melt, suffi ciently low compressive strength, which prevents cathode carbon block destruction in case of insulator volume expansion due to electrolyte attack. <...> Results of the refractory concrete properties studies results in order to select the optimal bar’s insulator material composition are presented. <...> Citation: Shahrai S.G., Arkhipov G.V., Polyakov P.V., Mikhalev Yu.G., Ivanova A.M., Kalinovskaya T.G., Shaydulin E.R., Avdeev Yu.О. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: shahrai56@mail.ru , , , # 918 # Sergey G. Shahrai, Gennadiy V. <...> Heat-Resistant Concrete for Collector Bars of Aluminum Reduction Сells… <...> Жаростойкий бетон для электроизоляции блюмсов алюминиевых электролизеров С.Г. Шахрайа П.В. <...> 26 Бакинских комиссаров, 1 При производстве алюминия <...>