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Первый авторAkerov
АннотацияThe work is dedicated to the problem of the origin of the medieval Altai ethnos of Naimans, who were able to form an early feudal state in Altai in the 12th century. The scientific literature ascribed them the Turkic, Mongol or Turko-Mongol origin. The work studies the issue of the origin of the Naiman in the context of studying the etymology of the ethnonym Naiman. It offers a new hypothesis of the emergence of the ethnonym Naiman among historical terms, which could have been inherited or borrowed from the eight constituent alliance of Kangar-Pecheneg tribes. The paper examines possible ethnopolitical and ethnogenetic, as well as ethnocultural ties of the Naiman with the Az, the Kangar-Pecheneg, the Kuchuk, the Tumat, the Oguz, the Khitan and other Altaic tribes. Based on the study, analysis and comparison of the version of the epic Manas described in the book Madzhumu at-Tavarikh by S. Akhsikendi with later versions of the great legend, the author makes an attempt to define the role and place of Naimans in the history of the Kyrgyz people and epic at the Altai stage of their development.
УДК930.85 (575.2) (04)
Akerov, TabyldyA. ON THE ORIGIN OF THE NAIMAN / TabyldyA. Akerov // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №9 .— С. 143-153 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576368 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

The scientific literature ascribed them the Turkic, Mongol or Turko-Mongol origin. <...> The work studies the issue of the origin of the Naiman in the context of studying the etymology of the ethnonym Naiman. <...> It offers a new hypothesis of the emergence of the ethnonym Naiman among historical terms, which could have been inherited or borrowed from the eight constituent alliance of Kangar-Pecheneg tribes. <...> The paper examines possible ethnopolitical and ethnogenetic, as well as ethnocultural ties of the Naiman with the Az, the Kangar-Pecheneg, the Kuchuk, the Tumat, the Oguz, the Khitan and other Altaic tribes. <...> Based on the study, analysis and comparison of the version of the epic Manas described in the book Madzhumu at-Tavarikh by S. Akhsikendi with later versions of the great legend, the author makes an attempt to define the role and place of Naimans in the history of the Kyrgyz people and epic at the Altai stage of their development. <...> Keywords: Manas, the Naiman, the Kangar-Pecheneg, the Tumat, the Oguz, the Khitan, the Az, the Yenisei Kyrgyz, early feudal state, Buyruk Khan, Mogolistan, Altai, the Tien-Shan. <...> In this paper, we tried to find an answer to all these questions and tried to determine the ethnic ties of the Naiman with the Kangar-Pecheneg, the Kyrgyz, the Az, the Kuchuk, the Tumat, the Oguz, the Khitan and other Altaic tribes. <...> On the origin of the Naiman I.N. Berezin linked the origin of the ethnonym Naiman with the Mongol numeral eight, which meant Segiz in Turkish and Neima in Mongolian. <...> Originally, the tribe was named the Segiz Oguz, but later they came to be called the Naiman. <...> N.A. Aristov believed, that the ethnonym Naiman came from the name ‘. of the Naima river, the tributary of the Katun, and that they originally lived there’ [3, 361] P. Carpini wrote that the Naiman had roamed ‘. in the vast area between the Khangai and the Altayn Nuru ridges, in the valley of the Black Irtysh and Lake Zaisannor’ [19, 196]. <...> P. Rachnevsky wrote that the Naiman and the Kerait could have been part of the Kyrgyz people, or part of the ethnos of the Kyrgyz Khaganate [23, 103-104]. <...> He was supported by E. Kychanov, who also saw a people of the Kyrgyz Khaganate in the Naiman, the Kerait, the Merkit and the Tatar [16]. <...> V.V. Ushnitsky [23] turned his attention to the data of Rashid al-Din, where the medieval writer called the Naiman an old population of the Yenisei ousted from there by the Kyrgyz [21]. <...> In general, the majority of scholars argued <...>

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