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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences  / №7 2016


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Первый авторLapteva
АвторыPikov NikitaO.
АннотацияThe article represents the experience of the students of Institute for the Humanities of Siberian Federal University work with the leading Russian museums the State Russian Museum and the State Hermitage Museum. The results of the use of modern information technologies in museums that make visiting them interesting and productive for the audience, and a museum a contemporary modern social institution, preserving and representing cultural heritage in interactive contexts are demonstrated.
Lapteva, MarinaA. VISUALIZATION TECHNOLOGY IN MUSEUM (FROM THE EXPERIENCE OF SIBFU COLLABORATION WITH THE MUSEUMS OF RUSSIA) / MarinaA. Lapteva, NikitaO. Pikov // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №7 .— С. 132-139 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576266 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 7 (2016 9) 1674-1681 ~ ~ ~ УДК 069.5:004 Visualization Technology in Museum (From the Experience of SibFU Collaboration with the Museums of Russia) Marina A. Lapteva and Nikita O. Pikov* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Received 12.04.2016, received in revised form 24.05.2016, accepted 20.06.2016 The article represents the experience of the students of Institute for the Humanities of Siberian Federal University work with the leading Russian museums the State Russian Museum and the State Hermitage Museum. <...> The results of the use of modern information technologies in museums that make visiting them interesting and productive for the audience, and a museum a contemporary modern social institution, preserving and representing cultural heritage in interactive contexts are demonstrated. <...> Keywords: museum, information technologies, photography, gigapanoramic shooting, spherical panorama, interactivity, augmented reality, virtualization, the State Russian Museum, the State Hermitage Museum. <...> The future of museums in the digital age is definitely connected with the development of information technologies. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: krasmargo@mail.ru – 1674 – the professional museum environment views on the more active use of digital technologies are divided. <...> Without disputing the value of the original, which is the basis of the traditional museum, the role of information technology as a means of preservation (in the digital form) and the promotion of cultural heritage, as well as providing quality materials Marina A. Lapteva and Nikita O. Pikov. <...> Visualization Technology in Museum for work to professionals in different countries should not be underestimated. <...> For example, digitalizing the collection of the Smithsonian Institution, processing one image during a minute, will take 260 years. <...> Chair of Information Technology in Creative and Cultural Industries of Institute for the Humanities of Siberian Federal University, which has been collaborating with the leading Russian museums since 2009 can be an example of openness for creative interaction. <...> The importance of this kind of union is that students and lecturers are involved into the solution of specific practical problems connected with the use of digital technologies in the museum environment. <...> It was built on the basis of photofixation technology (which, in fact, is not something new) and gigapanoramic shooting, similar to that which is used in a well-known project Google Art Project <...>