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Первый авторOsmolovskaya
АннотацияThe paper discusses the practices of digital editions in the context of digital heritage preservation. A brief overview of the state-of-art in Russia is proposed. It is stated that an up-to-date digital edition project should meet a number of requirements which concern conditions for long-term preservation, data accessibility and sustainability of formats. The paper sets a perspective to discuss a new project on Leo Tolstoy’s literary heritage (“Tolstoy Digital”). Based on 90-volume complete edition of Tolstoy’s work, the project, nevertheless, is positioned not as a digital reproduction of a printed edition but as a freestanding resource open for absorbing data from other sources
Osmolovskaya, AnastasiaA. DIGITAL EDITION OF LEO TOLSTOY WORKS: CONTRIBUTING TO ADVANCES IN RUSSIAN LITERARY SCHOLARSHIP / AnastasiaA. Osmolovskaya // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №7 .— С. 63-72 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576258 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 7 (2016 9) 1605-1614 ~ ~ ~ УДК 821.161.1:025.133:004.35 Digital Edition of Leo Tolstoy Works: Contributing to Advances in Russian Literary Scholarship Anastasia A. Bonch-Osmolovskaya* National Research University “Higher School of Economics” 20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russia Received 19.03.2016, received in revised form 08.04.2016, accepted 27.05.2016 The paper discusses the practices of digital editions in the context of digital heritage preservation. <...> It is stated that an up-to-date digital edition project should meet a number of requirements which concern conditions for long-term preservation, data accessibility and sustainability of formats. <...> The paper sets a perspective to discuss a new project on Leo Tolstoy’s literary heritage (“Tolstoy Digital”). <...> Based on 90-volume complete edition of Tolstoy’s work, the project, nevertheless, is positioned not as a digital reproduction of a printed edition but as a freestanding resource open for absorbing data from other sources. <...> Keywords: Digital edition, Leo Tolstoy, TEI, Text Encoding Initative, digital preservation in Russia. <...> They started in the early 90-s with establishing of virtual archives, opening access to rare printed editions or publishing primary texts. <...> Therefore, one of the key challenges Anastasia A. Bonch-Osmolovskaya. <...> Digital Edition of Leo Tolstoy Works… nowadays is to overcome the dependency of digital objects on technological change. <...> At the end of 2014, is the standard developed by the Text Encoding Initiative, usually referred to as TEI . the European Commission introduced a roadmap for preservation of digital cultural objects. <...> The document outlined the strategies for the preservation framework that would support long-term access to digital archives, compatibility of tools and software used for digital heritage development, security of storage, and the audit methods that validate trustworthiness of the repository. <...> The authors of the document describe a digital object consisting of three layers: a physical, logical and conceptual layer. <...> Semantic preservation is responsible for the interpretability of the data in long-term perspective and transparency of annotation scheme and editor choices. <...> The term ‘preservation’ means that there will always be an answer to questions of where one obtained the data from, how it can be interpreted, what the tags stand for, how this information may be <...>