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Первый авторGuseinova
АннотацияThe present article is dedicated to investigation of contemporary Russian retro detective fiction. The author notes the specifics of retro detective fiction, including its scenario quality, its capability of transformation, and the presence of creative potential. To re-create past events retro detective fiction uses a definite selection of linguistic means, above all precedent entities, including precedent names and phenomena, as well as lexical items that have gone out of use. As a result of their complex application, the author of retro detective fiction exerts a cognitive, pragmatic impact on the reader and thus stimulates the emotional and intellectual working of the cognitive system of the mass recipient
Guseinova, InnaraA. METHODS OF VERBALIZATION OF EVENTS IN CONTEMPORARY RUSSIAN RETRO DETECTIVE FICTION / InnaraA. Guseinova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №10 .— С. 133-141 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/576192 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 10 (2016 9) 2427-2435 ~ ~ ~ УДК 82.09 Methods of Verbalization of Events in Contemporary Russian Retro Detective Fiction Innara A. Guseinova* Moscow State Linguistic University 38 Ostozhenka Str., Moscow, 119034, Russia Received 07.09.2016, received in revised form 15.09.2016, accepted 03.10.2016 The present article is dedicated to investigation of contemporary Russian retro detective fiction. <...> The author notes the specifics of retro detective fiction, including its scenario quality, its capability of transformation, and the presence of creative potential. <...> To re-create past events retro detective fiction uses a definite selection of linguistic means, above all precedent entities, including precedent names and phenomena, as well as lexical items that have gone out of use. <...> As a result of their complex application, the author of retro detective fiction exerts a cognitive, pragmatic impact on the reader and thus stimulates the emotional and intellectual working of the cognitive system of the mass recipient. <...> Keywords: genre, text, global context, retro detective fiction, retro literary discourse, historic events, precedent name. <...> This article is devoted to retro detective fiction – a popular genre of literary discourse that in large measure today defines and forms the contemporary reader’s value relation to the cultural and historical past. <...> In our analysis of methods for the verbalization of events in contemporary Russian historical detective fiction we have relied on three key elements that form any variety of discourse: the global context, the text, and the concrete event described in the text. <...> These elements support the genre’s discourse stability, which ensures its functioning among other literary genres. <...> The stability and popularity of the given genre are determined by the following characteristics that we have found in the course of analyzing contemporary Russian retro detective fiction, namely: Its scenario quality, which permits the adaptation of the retrodetective to the communication channel for its distribution (books, television serials, artistic films, comics, etc.); Its capability of transformation, which ensures its stability in various types of Innara A. Guseinova. <...> Methods of Verbalization of Events in Contemporary Russian Retro Detective Fiction environment and in correspondence to the tastes and preferences <...>