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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №5 2015


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Первый авторКачалова Оксана Валентиновна
АннотацияЗадача - определить надлежащий порядок пересмотра приговоров, вынесенных в отношении лиц, заключивших досудебное соглашение о сотрудничестве, в случае обнаружения умышленного сообщения ими ложных сведений либо умышленного сокрытия существенных сведений
Качалова, О.В. 7.2. ПОРЯДОК ПЕРЕСМОТРА ВСТУПИВШИХ В ЗАКОННУЮ СИЛУ ПРИГОВОРОВ, ВЫНЕСЕННЫХ В ОТНОШЕНИИ ЛИЦ, ЗАКЛЮЧИВШИХ ДОСУДЕБНОЕ СОГЛАШЕНИЕ О СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВЕ / О.В. Качалова // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2015 .— №5 .— С. 147-151 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/572855 (дата обращения: 26.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

THE PROCEDURE FOR THE REVISION ENTERED INTO FORCE SENTENCES IMPOSED ON PERSONS WHO HAVE SIGNED A PRE-TRIAL AGREEMENT ON COOPERATION Kachalova Oksana Valentinovna, PhD at law, Associate Professor. <...> Place of employment: Russian State University of justice. <...> To determine the appropriate procedure for the review of sentences handed down in respect of persons who have signed a pre-trial agreement on cooperation in the event of an intentional message of false information or deliberate concealment of material information. <...> Methods - based on the general scientific dialectical method, as well as chastnonauchnogo methods of knowledge: system, structural-functional, formal-logical methods (analysis, synthesis, concretization, analogy, simulation) conclusions about the proper procedure for the review of sentences handed down in respect of persons who have signed pre- an agreement on cooperation in the event of an intentional message of false information or deliberate concealment of material information. <...> Results - based on an analysis of criminal procedural law and practice concludes that the revision entered into force court decisions against a person who has entered into a pre-trial agreement on cooperation and intentionally reported false information and (or) silent about important circumstances having to the case, if it is established following the appointment of his sentence, as well as in re147 5'2015 spect of the above persons in case the court decides otherwise, regarding the qualification of the offense, the scope of the charges and other important circumstances with regard to its partners, can only be done by the rules of Chapter 49 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation - in view of newly discovered circumstances. <...> The revision in the order of Chapter 49 Code of Criminal          Procedure entered into force sentence for cases heard in the order fast production is possible under the following independent grounds: - Establishment of an intentional false declaration or intentional concealment of the consequences of any material information by a person who has concluded a pre-trial agreement on cooperation, which led to the decision of the illegal, unreasonable or unjust sentences imposed by unlawful or unjustified ruling or order; - Inconsistency judgment in a particular order against a person who has entered into a pre-trial agreement on cooperation, judicial decision taken in respect of his accomplices for the crime in the general order in respect of the qualifying volume charges and other relevant circumstances. <...> Scope of the study - the main article can be used <...>