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Руконтекст антиплагиат
Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №5 2015


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Первый авторКазаков Алексей Олегович
АннотацияЗадача: Работа написана с целью иследования количественного и качественного состава участников государственно -частного партнерства, муници-пально частного партнерства. Указанный вопрос затрагивался в исследованиях целого ряда ученых: В.Г. Голубцова. А.В. Белицкой, А.А. Родина, J.Broadbent R.Laughlin и других
Казаков, А.О. 3.7. СОСТАВ УЧАСТНИКОВ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННО-ЧАСТНОГО ПАРТНЕРСТВА, МУНИЦИПАЛЬНО-ЧАСТНОГО ПАРТНЕРСТВА / А.О. Казаков // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2015 .— №5 .— С. 92-96 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/572841 (дата обращения: 17.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

THE PARTICIPANTS COMPOSITION OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP, MUNICIPAL-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP Kazakov Aleksey Olegovich, postgraduate student. <...> Place of study: Perm National State Research University. <...> E-mail: alexkazak.ak@gmail.com Annotation Objective: The work was written for the purpose of the study of quantitative and qualitative composition of the public-private partnership participants, municipal-private partnership participants. <...> This question is addressed in the researches of many scientists: V. Golubtsov, A. Belitskaya, A. Homeland, J.Broadbent, R.Laughlin and others. <...> Model: This article was written with the help of empirical (comparison measurement, description, interpretation) and theoretical (formal and dialectical logic) methods in the field of public-private partnership, municipal-private partnership. <...> Conclusions: The author states that three parties participate in the legal relationship of public-private partnership, municipal-private partnership: the public partner, the pri92     vate partner and financier. <...> Despite the fact that legally each of these legal entities is a separate party of the agreement, in fact, they form a composition of the publicprivate partnership, municipal-private partnership. <...> Originality / value: The conclusions outlined in this article can be useful for a wide range of people involved in the study of public-private partnership: academics, lawyers, postgraduates and students. <...>