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Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №5 2014


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Первый авторАфзалетдинова Гульнара Хасановна
АннотацияВ статье рассматриваются исключительные режимы как особая разновидность правовых режимов, существующих в российском праве, определяется их дефиниция и основные признаки. Проводимое исследование опирается на работы учёных-правоведов, таких как С. С. Алексеев, И. С. Барзилова, Г.С. Беляева, А.В. Малько, Н.И. Матузов, О.С. Родионов, Э.Ф. Шамсумова и других, исследовавших правовые режимы
Афзалетдинова, Г.Х. 2.5. ПРОБЛЕМЫ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ ИСКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНЫХ РЕЖИМОВ В ОТРАСЛЯХ РОССИЙСКОГО ПРАВА / Г.Х. Афзалетдинова // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2014 .— №5 .— С. 66-72 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/571703 (дата обращения: 02.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

THE USE PROBLEMS OF EXCEPTIONAL REGIMES IN THE BRANCHES OF RUSSIAN LAW. <...> Place of study: Kutafin Moscow State Law University. <...> Department: chair of theory of state and law. <...> Place of employment: Department of Federal Drug Control Service of Russian Federation in Moscow Region. <...> E-mail: dinara-05@list.ru Annotation: The article considers the exceptional regimes as a special kind of legal regimes, determined by their definition and the main features. <...> Conducted a study based on the work of legal scholars, such as S.S. Alekseev, I.S. Barzilova, G.S. Belyaeva, A.V. Malko, N.I. Matuzov, O.S. Rodionov, Shamsumova and others, who have studied the legal regimes. <...> The purpose research is the scientific understanding and analysis of the various types of exceptional regime. <...> The author of the task to determine the nature and identify legal aspects of such species as protection regime, free economic zone, moratorium, embargo. <...> Aigumova T.A. Improving of the mechanism for the establishment and operation of free economic zones in the Russian Federation: the diss. of the cand. of econ. sciences. <...> Alekseev S.S. The general permissions and the general inrerdictions in the Soviet law. <...> AЧЭosСТЧК A.V. “NОа proЭОМЭТoЧТsЦ” ТЧ ЭСО МoЧЭОбЭ oП globalization of the world economy: Monograph - M.: MSUP, 2005. 4. <...> Basenko A.M. Free economic zones in the mechanism of integration of national economies into the world economic relations: Monograph. <...> Belousov V.I., Ivanov S.V. The development of special economic zones of regional level (for example of the Lipetsk region) // Problems of the modern economy. 2011, № 1 (37), p.290-293. 6. <...> Belyaeva G.S. To the question of the concept of a legal regime to limit // Business-in-ХКа. 2013. №4. <...> Belyaeva G.S. The essence of the legal regime: some aspects// «Black holes» in the Russian legislation. 2013. №4. <...> Great juridical dictionary / Third edition, revised and enlarged / Edited by A.Y. Suchareva. <...> Gravie O.I., Serebriakova A.A. The fate of the special economic zone in the Kaliningrad region on the backРroЮЧН oП RЮssТК’s АTO КММОssТoЧ // LКа’s oП RЮssТК: Оxperience, analysis, and practice. 2013, 2013, №2, page 58-62. 10. <...> Lebedeva E.N. Mechanism of the legal socio-active behavior encouraging (theory and practice): the diss. of the cand. of law sciences. <...> Malko A.V. Incentives <...>