Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 644910)
Пробелы в российском законодательстве  / №5 2014


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Первый авторАпсуваева Карина Османоена
Аннотацияв статье рассматриваются вопросы полномочий постоянных депутатских комиссий представительных органов муниципальной власти, высказываются предложения по совершенствованию их компетенции
Апсуваева, К.О. 1.4. ПОЛНОМОЧИЯ ПОСТОЯННЫХ ДЕПУТАТСКИХ КОМИССИЙ ПРЕДСТАВИТЕЛЬНЫХ ОРГАНОВ МЕСТНОГО САМОУПРАВЛЕНИЯ, ИХ СОВЕРШЕНСТВОВАНИЕ / К.О. Апсуваева // Пробелы в российском законодательстве .— 2014 .— №5 .— С. 26-31 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/571695 (дата обращения: 12.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

POWERS OF THE CONSTANT DEPUTY COMMISSIONS OF REPRESENTATIVE BODIES OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT, THEIR IMPROVEMENT Apsuvayeva Karina Osmanovna. <...> E-mail: karinaapsuvaeva@mail.ru Annotation: in article questions of powers of the constant deputy commissions of representative bodies of municipal authority are considered, suggestions for improvement of their competence express. <...> About the constant deputy commission of Council of deputies of the Volokolamsk municipal region of the Moscow region on legality and local government: situation (No. 3-24 is approved by the decision of Council of deputies of the Volokolamsk municipal region of the Moscow region of 28.04.2008) [An electronic resource]//the Official site of administration of the Volokolamsk municipal region of the Moscow region. <...> About the constant commissions of Meeting of representatives of the Serdobsky municipal region of the Penza region: situation (it is approved as the solution of Meeting of representatives of the Serdobsky municipal region of the Penza region from 20. 07. 2006 No. 14-2/2) [Electronic resource]//Site of the Penza business portal. <...> About the constant deputy commissions of Kurgan City Council: situation (it is approved as the decision of Kurgan City Council from 22. 12. 2004 No. 207) [Electronic resource]//Official site of local governments of municipality "City of Kurgan" of the Kurgan region. <...> The charter of municipality "City of Kurgan" (it is accepted by the decision of Kurgan City Council from 28. 02. 2005 No. 38, in an edition from 20. 02. 2008) [Electronic resource]//Official site of local governments of municipality "City of Kurgan" of the Kurgan region. <...> About the constant deputy commissions of the Duma of the Anuchinsky municipal region of Primorsky Krai: situation (it is accepted the decision of the Duma of the Anuchinsky municipal region of Primorsky Krai from 31. 05. 2005) [Electronic resource]//Official site of the Duma of the Anuchinsky municipal region of Primorsky Krai. <...> About the constant commissions of Meeting of deputies of the Zlatoust city district of Chelyabinsk region: situation (it is approved as the solution of Meeting of deputies of the Zlatoust city district of Chelyabinsk region from 23. 03. 2012 No. 28) [Electronic resource]//Official site of the Zlatoust city district of Chelyabinsk region. <...> Zakharova N. I. City self-government in system of loМaХ РovОrnmОnЭ Тn RЮssТa: вОа. … ОНРТnР. . sМТОnces. 12.00.02. <...> Counteraction of corruption in municipal service: principles <...>