Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 645537)
Вестник Астраханского государственного технического университета. Серия: Экономика  / №3 2014


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Первый авторVochozka
АвторыStehel V.
АннотацияMost experts agree that profit is the main goal in business. Real income becomes more preferable. However, profit is only a virtual value, because many companies are not able to collect effectively their receivables. Their business partners do not pay for their liabilities, i. e. they do no pay for the received goods, materials and services. So the companies should implement such a system of prevention that helps them to choose collaborates, which will be able to pay their debts. One of the possible systems of the prevention can be based on bankruptcy and creditability indices. The companies can set with help of the indexes a limit of possible future cooperation. The companies that gain index higher than the set limit of possible cooperation can become business partners in the future
Vochozka, M. CONTROLLING IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT – DETERMINATION OF A CREDIT LIMIT BASED ON BANKRUPTCY AND SOLVENCY MODELS / M. Vochozka, V. Stehel // Вестник Астраханского государственного технического университета. Серия: Экономика .— 2014 .— №3 .— С. 68-75 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/504945 (дата обращения: 15.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Финансовое и учетно-аналитическое обеспечение деятельности хозяйствующих субъектов ФИНАНСОВОЕ И УЧЕТНО-АНАЛИТИЧЕСКОЕ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЕ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ ХОЗЯЙСТВУЮЩИХ СУБЪЕКТОВ UDС [658.155.012.7:336.77]:055.58 M. Vochozka, V. Stehel CONTROLLING IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT – DETERMINATION OF A CREDIT LIMIT BASED ON BANKRUPTCY AND SOLVENCY MODELS Abstract. <...> Most experts agree that profit is the main goal in business. <...> However, profit is only a virtual value, because many companies are not able to collect effectively their receivables. <...> Their business partners do not pay for their liabilities, i. e. they do no pay for the received goods, materials and services. <...> One of the possible systems of the prevention can be based on bankruptcy and creditability indices. <...> The companies can set with help of the indexes a limit of possible future cooperation. <...> The companies that gain index higher than the set limit of possible cooperation can become business partners in the future. <...> Introduction The main goal of a business is usually improvement of its value and profit. <...> In that case, a problem may arise if the delivering company fails to receive the payment because the other party of the deal got into financial troubles and went bankrupt. <...> Moreover, if the company diversified the business risks inappropriately and delivered large quantities of goods or services without receiving any payment it may negatively influence its financial stability or lead to secondary insolvency. <...> This situation was quite common in the Czech Republic in 1990s. <...> Bankruptcy and solvency models and their information capacity One of the methods to avoid non-payment of invoices and thus potential problems is to select customers who are expected to be sufficiently stable and not likely to go bankrupt in foreseeable future. <...> There are several methods to predict future standing of companies, e. g. financial analysis, pyramid of ratio analysis, bankruptcy models, etc. <...> The main shortcoming of financial analysis and pyramid of ratio analysis is that the resulting data are difficult to interpret. <...> For this reason, I will outline the options for selection and other parameters for business management based on bankruptcy and solvency models. 67 ISSN 2073-5537. <...> Сер.: Экономика. 2014. № 3 Solvency index Solvency index (IB) is one of the most widely <...>