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Технология и товароведение инновационных пищевых продуктов  / №3 (14) 2012


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Первый авторБайхожаева
АвторыНуртаева А.Б., Ракишева А.Д.
АннотацияВ статье рассматриваются вопросы повышения качества и безопасности национальных продуктов питания на молочной основе. Изучены качественные характеристики и технологические свойства видов молочного и растительного сырья для производства национальных продуктов питания. Теоретически обоснован выбор зернового сырья, богатого пищевыми волокнами и другими биологически активными веществами. Изучена пищевая и биологическая ценность национальных молочных продуктов на основе зернового сырья
Байхожаева, Б.У. ПОВЫШЕНИЕ КАЧЕСТВА И БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫХ ПРОДУКТОВ ПИТАНИЯ НА МОЛОЧНОЙ ОСНОВЕ / Б.У. Байхожаева, А.Б. Нуртаева, А.Д. Ракишева // Технология и товароведение инновационных пищевых продуктов .— 2012 .— №3 (14) .— С. 76-79 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/493802 (дата обращения: 13.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Supply of Republic of Kazakhstan population with high quality, proper food products refers to priority guidelines, solved on state level. <...> Analysis of research work indicated viability and applicability of functional milk products and prolongation of their expiry date. <...> National food products on dairy base are on great demand with Kazakhstan population from the earliest times. <...> According to marketing researches sour-milk drinks on grain base, katyk, ayran, suzbe, kurt are more popular among population. <...> Combined products on base of cereal component and sour-milk additives have performance attributes. <...> One of the outspread liquid national sour-milk drinks of the Republic of Kazakhstan is «Ashymyk» on base of grain raw material as grain of wheat, corn, rice, barley groat, couscous. <...> In connection with this we have worked out technology of food concentrate with use of grain raw material and separated milk for extension of expiry date of «Ashymyk» drink. <...> Targets of research: couscous, head rice, millet grit, kernel, blues, fractioned rice, small corn grit, separated milk, starter for preparation of sour-milk base, dry sour-milk base with grain filler of 4-6% humidity and perceived combined grain product on the base of usage of grain and sour-milk additive processing products. <...> Food concentrates-making process includes following operations into itself: preparation of grit to processing, preparation of grit into the grit concentrates, cup-up, package of ready product. <...> Preparation of grit to processing consists of two principal stages: impurity liberation from grain mass and hydrothermal treatment (HT) of grain [1]. <...> Analysis of food concentrates-making process has shown, that HT is determining step of grain raw material. 1 Статья опубликована в оригинале 76 ___________________________________________________________________ № 3(14) 2012 Товароведение пищевых продуктов HT is accompanied by complex physico-chemical and biochemical processes, research of which lets influence more purposefully upon processable material, properties of which depend on humidity, temperature, HT duration and other factors [2]. <...> Formation of new types of concentrates demand performance of work on perfection of existing methods and development of new methods, providing production of this product and consequently study of changes of properties and structure of raw material as a result of processing <...>