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Педагогические науки  / №2 (71) 2015

Юмор как средство изучения английского языка (100,00 руб.)

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Первый авторЯкушева
Якушева, В.А. Юмор как средство изучения английского языка / В.А. Якушева // Педагогические науки .— 2015 .— №2 (71) .— С. 63-64 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/491209 (дата обращения: 12.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

А., старший преподаватель Московского государственного университета технологий и управления им. <...> Разумовского ЮМОР КАК СРЕДСТВО ИЗУЧЕНИЯ АНГЛИйСКОГО ЯЗыКА Ключевые слова: юмор, определение юмора, типы юмора, использование шуток в образовательном процессе школьников: грамматика, аудирование, говорение. <...> HUMOUR AS A MEANS OF LEARNING ENGLISH Key words: humour, definition of humour, the types of humour, usage of jokes in educational process of schoolchildren: grammar, listening and speaking. <...> The definition of Humour Humour is an intellectual ability to notice comical situations . <...> The sense of humour is connected with the ability to find the contradictions in the world around you. <...> Widely speaking, humour is everything which can cause laugher or smile. <...> The Types of Humour There are different types of humour: satyre, irony, parody, joke, pun, etc. <...> So called «black humour” is allocated into a special group. <...> It is also possible to parallel caricature and cartoon with graphical forms of humour. <...> A positively oriented person is more likely to see a humorous side of the problem rather than a negative one. <...> If spoken out, intuitional contradictions and honest truth cause laughter. <...> Besides, we all know that the best way to learn English is to start from something that you like. <...> English Jokes English Jokes are always a great learning. <...> Everyone likes reading jokes and jokes are full of slang and phrasal verbs that you can apply and use in your daily conversation. <...> If you don’t understand any English jokes you will have motivation to find the meaning of slang or words in the jokes just because you want to laugh like others. <...> And such aspect as English slang and phrasal verbs show significant difficulty for foreign speakers. <...> It is not like a textbook or novel so you will not get bored before while learning. <...> Now I would like to illustrate this theory with some short English jokes: We didn’t have a television in our house until I was 19. <...> It was, of course, black and white, and the station went off the air at midnight, after playing the national anthem. <...> Before you could dial, you had to listen and make <...>