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Сибирский экологический журнал  / №5 2016

Horizontal Distribution of the Cell Abundance and Toxicity of Microcystis in a Hypereutrophic Moroccan Reservoir (300,00 руб.)

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Первый авторSamoudi
АвторыLatour D., Robin J., Sabart M., Misson B., Hammou H., Mouhri Kh., Loudiki M.
АннотацияThe first results of the horizontal distribution of the cell abundance and toxicity of Microcystis in the hypereutrophic Moroccan reservoir Lalla Takerkoust are reported. An unexpected spatio-temporal heterogeneity has been shown between Microcystis abundance and microcystins concentrations. The principal determining factors were analyzed in order to identify the most likely sites for the proliferation and/or accumulation of Microcystis in this reservoir. The horizontal heterogeneity seems to be mainly influenced by the wind direction and inflows. The results can serve as reference data for monitoring cyanobacterial water blooms and associated cyanotoxins in the lake
Horizontal Distribution of the Cell Abundance and Toxicity of Microcystis in a Hypereutrophic Moroccan Reservoir / S. Samoudi [и др.] // Сибирский экологический журнал .— 2016 .— №5 .— С. 52-62 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/487858 (дата обращения: 09.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

MOUHRI1, M. LOUDIKI1 1 Laboratory of Biology and Biotechnology of Microorganisms, Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, University Cadi Ayyad BP 2390, 40000 Marrakesh, Morocco E-mail: samoudisam@gmail.com 2 Laboratory “Microorganisms: Genome and Environment”, Clermont University, University Blaise Pascal BP 10448, 63000 Clermont Ferrand, France 3 UMR 6023, LMGE, CNRS BP 80026, 63171 Aubiиre Cedex, France 4 UMR5023 LEHNA, University Lyon 1, ENTPE, CNRS, ISARA, University of Lyon, 23 Rue Jean Baldassini 69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France Статья поступила 18.06.15 Принята к печати 11.01.16 ABSTRACT The first results of the horizontal distribution of the cell abundance and toxicity of Microcystis in the hypereutrophic Moroccan reservoir Lalla Takerkoust are reported. <...> An unexpected spatio-temporal heterogeneity has been shown between Microcystis abundance and microcystins concentrations. <...> The horizontal heterogeneity seems to be mainly influenced by the wind direction and inflows. <...> The results can serve as reference data for monitoring cyanobacterial water blooms and associated cyanotoxins in the lake. <...> In Morocco, as in many regions of the world, cyanobacteria toxic blooms have received increasing attention over the last few years due to the potential danger for human and animal health [Jochimsen et al., 1998], and deterioration of drinking water quality [Paerl et al., 2001]. <...> Several studies [Loudiki et al., 2002; Oudra et al., 2002; Sabour et al., 2002] have confirmed the occurrence of toxic cyanobacteria blooms © Samoudi S., Latour D., Robin J., Sabart M., Misson B., Ait Hammou H., Mouhri K., Loudiki M., 2016 673 in different aquatic environments. <...> This work has revealed hepatoxic Microcystis blooms, and characterized microcystins for the first time [Oudra et al., 1998]. <...> While several cyanobacteria species are present in this reservoir, the blooms are mainly dominated by the genus Microcystis [Loudiki et al., 2002]. <...> More recently, [El Ghazali et al., 2011] detected, over a year-long cycle, the presence of microcystins in the lake waters. <...> The concentrations of MC-LR often exceed the WHO norms, particularly during the bloom periods. <...> However <...>

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