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Вестник Московского университета. Серия 27. Глобалистика и геополитика.  / №1-2 2012


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Первый авторSteger
АннотацияThe proliferation of prefixes like ‘neo’ and ‘post’ that adorn conventional ‘isms’ has cast a long shadow on the contemporary relevance of traditional political belief systems like liberalism, conservatism, and Marxism. This article explores how the thickening of global consciousness finds its expression in the growing capability of today’s political ideologies to translate the rising global imaginary into concrete political programs and agendas. But these subjective dynamics of denationalization at the heart of globalization have not yet dispensed with the declining national imaginary. The twenty-first century promises to be an ideational interregnum in which both the global and national stimulate people’s deep-seated understandings of community. The essay also offers a rough outline and basic features of a new classification scheme that divides contemporary political ideologies into ‘market globalism’, ‘justice globalism’, and ‘religious globalism’
Steger, ManfredB. GLOBALIZATION AND SOCIAL IMAGINARIES: THE CHANGING IDEOLOGICAL LANDSCAPE OF THE XXI CENTURY / ManfredB. Steger // Вестник Московского университета. Серия 27. Глобалистика и геополитика. .— 2012 .— №1-2 .— С. 104-120 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/487268 (дата обращения: 27.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

XXVII. «Глобалистика и геополитика». 2012. № 1–2 Manfred B. Steger* GLOBALIZATION AND SOCIAL IMAGINARIES: THE CHANGING IDEOLOGICAL LANDSCAPE OF THE XXI CENTURY1 The proliferation of prefixes like ‘neo’ and ‘post’ that adorn conventional ‘isms’ has cast a long shadow on the contemporary relevance of traditional political belief systems like liberalism, conservatism, and Marxism. <...> This article explores how the thickening of global consciousness finds its expression in the growing capability of today’s political ideologies to translate the rising global imaginary into concrete political programs and agendas. <...> But these subjective dynamics of denationalization at the heart of globalization have not yet dispensed with the declining national imaginary. <...> The twenty-first century promises to be an ideational interregnum in which both the global and national stimulate people’s deep-seated understandings of community. <...> The essay also offers a rough outline and basic features of a new classification scheme that divides contemporary political ideologies into ‘market globalism’, ‘justice globalism’, and ‘religious globalism’. <...> Key words: social (national, global) imaginary, belief system, globalization, denationalization, political agenda, community Увеличение количества приставок «нео-» и «пост-», обрамляющих привычные «-измы», поставило под сомнение уместность современных политических идеологических систем, таких как либерализм, консерватизм и марксизм. <...> Ключевые слова: социальные (национальные, глобальные) представления, система взглядов, глобализация, денационализация, политическая программа, общественность Debates on globalisation often revolve around the ‘objective’ dynamics fueling the worldwide interdependencies linked to economics and technology. <...> While globalisation’s ‘objective’ aspects are certainly important, it is crucial to note that these dynamics also * Manfred B. Steger— Professor of Global Studies, Director of the Globalism Research Center at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Senior Research Fellow at the Globalization Research Center at the University of Hawai’i-Manoa. 1 This essay is a revised and expanded version of my article, ‘Neo-isms: What’s New about Political Ideologies in the Global Age’, published in Global Studies Journal 1(4) (2008), pp.139-47 (www.globalstudiesjournal.com). <...> The Rise of the Global Imaginary: Political Ideologies form the French Revolution to the Global War on Terror. <...> Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press. 104 involve <...>