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Первый авторUrry John
АннотацияIn the article the author considers the energy problem in the neo-liberal period of systems of excess production, ultra high carbon consumption and privatization. He notices that today everything depends upon oil, the global economy is deeply embedded into supplies of abundant cheap oil. But in the twenty first century this is a huge problem due to greenhouse gas generating, climate change, finiteness of oil resources and no alternative source of energy. In these conditions energy becomes increasingly expensive, turns into a political factor and a key commodity speculated upon in financial markets. The post-peak oil context would itself involve huge reductions in the size of the global economy and society, many threats to ‘democracy’, resource wars, little chance of world peace and many threats to the mobile lives of the rich North
Urry, J. CARBON CAPITALISM AND THE PROBLEM OF ENERGY / J. Urry // Вестник Московского университета. Серия 27. Глобалистика и геополитика. .— 2012 .— №1-2 .— С. 98-103 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/487267 (дата обращения: 27.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

XXVII. «Глобалистика и геополитика». 2012. № 1–2 John Urry* CARBON CAPITALISM AND THE PROBLEM OF ENERGY1 In the article the author considers the energy problem in the neo-liberal period of systems of excess production, ultra high carbon consumption and privatization. <...> He notices that today everything depends upon oil, the global economy is deeply embedded into supplies of abundant cheap oil. <...> But in the twenty first century this is a huge problem due to greenhouse gas generating, climate change, finiteness of oil resources and no alternative source of energy. <...> In these conditions energy becomes increasingly expensive, turns into a political factor and a key commodity speculated upon in financial markets. <...> The post-peak oil context would itself involve huge reductions in the size of the global economy and society, many threats to ‘democracy’, resource wars, little chance of world peace and many threats to the mobile lives of the rich North. <...> Key words: profligate carbon consumption, carbon capitalism, tax-free offshore economy, resource wars, climate change, finiteness of oil supplies, neo-liberal period В статье автор рассматривает энергетическую проблему, обострившуюся в неолиберальный период перепроизводства, крайне высокого потребления углеродов и тотальной приватизации. <...> Ключевые слова: неэкономное потребление углеводов, углеводный капитализм, свободная от налогов офшорная экономика, ресурсные войны, истощаемость нефтезапасов, неолиберальный период Places of high carbon excess have mushroomed in the past 30 neo-liberal years. <...> Indeed: ‘entire Caribbean islands are being curated into exclusive resorts for the super-rich, and removed from the control and governance of local communities and…their governments’2 . <...> We can talk of: ‘the neoliberal respatialization of the Caribbean for the benefit of the super-rich, yacht owning, aeromobile global elite’3 . offshore economy, the ‘offshore world’ constituted through the assembling of physical space with cyberspace4 gated resort development, select tourism for the super-rich, the splintering of public infrastructures and the enabling of often dubious wealth to go offshore and hence out of sight of tax-collecting authorities. <...> In the neo-liberal period systems of excess production, ultra high carbon consumption and privatization have become dominant. <...> However, it might be argued that these high carbon mobile lives only <...>