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Первый авторBeck Ulrich
АннотацияIn this article the author considers the current cosmopolitan turn in sociological and political theory and research, basing on the following phenomena: incompetence of methodological nationalism, current cosmopolitization, forming of world risk society etc. In the 21st century no nation can master its challenges alone, that’s why as a key of this problem the author offers the concept of cosmopolitical realpolitik, which means recognition of the legitimate interests of others and their inclusion in the calculation of one’s own interests. Because in a world risk society nationalism is becoming the enemy of the nation. Cosmopolitization is therefore a perspective for research, a political reality and a normative theory.
Beck, U. LIVING IN AND COPING WITH WORLD RISK SOCIETY: THE COSMOPOLITAN TURN / U. Beck // Вестник Московского университета. Серия 27. Глобалистика и геополитика. .— 2012 .— №1-2 .— С. 89-97 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/487266 (дата обращения: 27.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

XXVII. «Глобалистика и геополитика». 2012. № 1–2 Ulrich Beck* LIVING IN AND COPING WITH WORLD RISK SOCIETY: THE COSMOPOLITAN**TURN1 In this article the author considers the current cosmopolitan turn in sociological and political theory and research, basing on the following phenomena: incompetence of methodological nationalism, current cosmopolitization, forming of world risk society etc. <...> In the 21st century no nation can master its challenges alone, that’s why as a key of this problem the author offers the concept of cosmopolitical realpolitik, which means recognition of the legitimate interests of others and their inclusion in the calculation of one’s own interests. <...> Cosmopolitization is therefore a perspective for research, a political reality and a normative theory. <...> Key words: cosmopolitization, world risk society, methodological nationalism, anticipation of catastrophe, euro-crises, climate change, national identity, collaboration, cosmopolitical realpolitik В статье автор рассматривает поворот к космополитизму, происходящий в социальной и политической теории и исследованиях, ссылаясь на такие факты, как дискредитация методологического национализма, текущая «космополитизация», формирование общества глобальных рисков и пр. <...> Ключевые слова: космополитизация, общества всемирных (глобальных) рисков, методологический национализм, ожидание катастрофы, евро-кризис, изменение климата, национальная идентичность, сотрудничество, космополитическая реальная политика When a world-order collapses, then the analysis begins, though that doesn’t seem to hold for the type of social thinking social theory currently prevalent. <...> Just think for a moment of the ‘cosmopolitical events’ that changed the world during the last 25 years — 9/11, the ongoing financial crisis, the ongoing climate change, the on*Ulrich Beck, PhD, is professor of sociology at Munich’s Ludwig-Maximilian University and the London School of Economics ** “Cosmopolitanism” is a loaded concept, especially in the Russian context; it does not mean ‘unpatriotic sentiment and behavior’ as Stalin defined it politically. <...> In my theoretical and empirical perspective the ‘cosmopolitan turn’ answers to the epistemological challenge of globalization: how can we understand and analyze the new interconnectedness of the world. <...> To put it in a nutshell, my answer is: by looking at ourselves through the eyes of the other — methodologically. 1 Based on the materials of the lecture in Moscow, June 2012. 89 going nuclear <...>