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Экономические и гуманитарные науки  / №8 2015


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Первый авторСедельников
АвторыХнырева Е.С.
АннотацияИсследуется наличие однофакторной стохастической зависимости между законом распределения фиксированного объѐма антикризисной монетарной поддержки предприятий со слабой динамикой и величиной его чистого операционного убытка в кризисный период.
Седельников, А.В. ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ НАЛИЧИЯ СТОХАСТИЧЕСКОЙ ЗАВИСИМОСТИ МЕЖДУ АНТИКРИЗИСНОЙ МОНЕТАРНОЙ ПОДДЕРЖКОЙ ПРЕДПРИЯТИЙ СО СЛАБОЙ ДИНАМИКОЙ И ЕГО ЧИСТЫМ ОПЕРАЦИОННЫМ УБЫТКОМ / А.В. Седельников, Е.С. Хнырева // Экономические и гуманитарные науки .— 2015 .— №8 .— С. 111-118 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/483573 (дата обращения: 12.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

If crisis is significant, an enterprise is also in need of monetary support to be saved. <...> The volume of monetary support from USA and Canada governments in the form of emergency for Chrysler was equal to 10,5 milliard dollars. <...> There are examples of monetary support of auto-producers in time of crisis in Russia too. <...> Monetary support of an enterprise is an extreme step, which should be applied only if other ways don’t have enough influence. <...> That is why the theme of this work is of great urgency. <...> The solution of surviving problems of enterprise doesn’t always depend on volume of the support. <...> Determination of the volume without study of optimal distribution law of this volume during time of crisis is a significant disadvantage of monetary support. <...> The uniform distribution law of the support is usually applied in practice without any proof of its effectiveness. <...> However this approach often doesn’t take in account features of certain enterprise, such as volumes and payments periods of credits, season movements of products release, necessity of periodical repair works and maintenance etc. <...> Articles [3, 4] show that in most cases enterprises with weak dynamic have distribution law between volume of antirecessionary monetary support and size of net operating loss of the enterprise. <...> However, it is important to take into account the one-factorial dependence to significantly raise effectiveness of monetary support, which consists in maximum decrease of net operating loss. <...> This dependence is listed below:     , 112 (1) № 8(283) 2015 Научное развитие экономики и управления предприятием where stands for random value of dead operating loss (random function response);  stands for random value of monetary support (random function factor);  stands for random function, which depends on distribution law of factor. <...> It causes change of response distribution law of factor  to minimize net operating loss . <...> That is why planned volumes of meat-products storage would have caused significant increase of net operating loss because of recession in demand for meat-products (Fig. 1). <...> It means that if volume of monetary support is fixed, it is possible to search for optimal    Экономические и гуманитарные науки This scenario would have <...>