Engineering & Technologies, 2016, 9(4), 529-535 ~ ~ ~ УДК 691.7:669.018.29 Use of Materials with Thermomechanical Shape Memory for Sollution of the Applied Problems in Construction Engineering Complex Igor M. Kondrakovb Vladimir E. Afanasyev*а and Viktor I. Zhadanovc aSiberian Federal University , 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia b North-Caucasian Branch 24 Railwaymen, Mineralnye Vody, 357202, Russia c 13 Pobedy, Orenburg, 460352, Russia Received 03.03.2016, received in revised form 09.03.2016, accepted 27.04.2016 The article deals with the unique alloy on the basis of titanium nickelide with thermomechanical shape memory. <...> It is spoken in detail about the alloy’s memory effect phenomenology. <...> The effi cient area of possible application of that kind of alloys is shown. <...> In this article is also proposed a method of calculation of power elements, executed from titanium nickelide alloy, and also the examples of alloy’s application in practice. <...> It is shown that the offered technique of a preliminary temperature cycling of power elements made of titanium nickelide allows to reach the maximum possible straining and power characteristics. <...> Keywords: alloys with shape memory, a martensite, a temperature cycling, titanium nickelide, range of application, a calculation method, power element, straining and power characteristics. <...> Citation: Afanasyev V.E., Kondrakov I.M., Zhadanov V.I. Use of materials with thermomechanical shape memory for sollution of the applied problems in construction engineering complex, J. Sib. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: of Belgorod State Technological University Orenburg State University # 529 # Vladimir E. Afanasyev, Igor M. Kondrakov… Use of Materials with Thermomechanical Shape Memory for Sollution… Применение материалов с термомеханической памятью формы для решения прикладных задач в строительном комплексе В. <...> Introduction In 1949 the Soviet scientists G. V. Kurdyumov and L.G. Handrods discovered the shape memory effect of some metal alloys, also called as, second sort phase transition, and in 1980 theywere given a diploma on opening for No. 239 of this effect was issued to them. <...> The optimum combination of physical and mechanical characteristics allowed to use alloys with shape memory in many industries <...>