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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Техника и технологии. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies  / №1 2015

The Inяuence of Slenderness Ratio and Stress Concentration in Taps on Load Calculations to Thermal Expansion in U-shaped Compensators of Thermal Network (150,00 руб.)

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Первый авторLipovka
АвторыBelilovets V.I., Lipovka A.Y.
АннотацияThis article is about calculations of U-shaped regions of water heat network. The universal calculation algorithm is used for various geometric schemes and simple self-compensating pipeline sections. The inяuence of slenderness ratio and stress concentration factor in the smooth curved bends on voltages and maximum permissible яight compensated shoulders of U-shaped regions for different geometric conёgurations was taken into account in this work.
Lipovka, Y.L. The Inяuence of Slenderness Ratio and Stress Concentration in Taps on Load Calculations to Thermal Expansion in U-shaped Compensators of Thermal Network / Y.L. Lipovka, V.I. Belilovets, A.Y. Lipovka // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Техника и технологии. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies .— 2015 .— №1 .— С. 11-32 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/453751 (дата обращения: 10.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Engineering & Technologies 1 (2015 8) 11-32 ~ ~ ~ УДК 697.443.3 The Infl uence of Slenderness Ratio and Stress Concentration in Taps on Load Calculations to Thermal Expansion in U-shaped Compensators of Thermal Network Yuri L. Lipovka, Vitaliy I. Belilovets and Alex Y. Lipovka* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Received 23.07.2014, received in revised form 21.10.2014, accepted 04.02.2015 This article is about calculations of U-shaped regions of water heat network. <...> The universal calculation algorithm is used for various geometric schemes and simple self-compensating pipeline sections. <...> The infl uence of slenderness ratio and stress concentration factor in the smooth curved bends on voltages and maximum permissible fl ight compensated shoulders of U-shaped regions for different geometric confi gurations was taken into account in this work. <...> Keywords: radial U-shaped compensator, radial compensators, self-compensation for thermal expansion of pipeline, slenderness ratio of pipe, heating network. <...> Влияние коэффициентов гибкости и концентрации напряжения в отводах на расчет нагрузки от температурных расширений в П-образных компенсаторах тепловой сети Ю. <...> Липовка Сибирский федеральный университет Россия, 660041, Красноярск, Свободный, 79 В настоящей статье рассматривается вопрос расчета П-образных участков водяной тепловой сети на самокомпенсацию температурных расширений. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: alex.lipovka@gmail.com # 11 # Z-, П-, Л-образные Yuri L. Lipovka, Vitaliy I. Belilovets… The Infl uence of Slenderness Ratio and Stress Concentration… напряжений в гнутых гладких отводах на значения напряжений и на предельно допустимый вылет компенсируемых плеч П-образных участков различных геометрических конфигураций. <...> Ключевые слова: радиальный П-образный компенсатор, радиальные компенсаторы, самокомпенсация температурных расширений трубопровода, коэффициент гибкости трубы, тепловая сеть. <...> The cross-sectional pipe wall ovalisation and increasing ductility in bending as compared with straight pipes appear in taps. <...> This change leads to a concentration of additional stresses in these elements arising under the infl uence of forces, their fl attened crosssection. <...> Calculation model radial compensator, based on the thermal expansion, can be represented <...>