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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences  / №5 2016

Transformation of the Subject in the Act of the Reverse birth: Analysis of the Search of the Lost Mother (based on A. Platonov’s Texts) (150,00 руб.)

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Первый авторGlushenkova
АннотацияThe article is dedicated to the ontological analysis of A. Platonov’s texts. The classical theme of orphancy, raised by the writer, is analyzed through the deёnitions of J. Kristeva about searching of the lost motherly. The problem of the displacement of the mother by European rationality leaves open the question of the status of this “repressed” space. In the analysis of the text, it is represented by the concept of Michel Foucault that is heterotopia, for conceptualizing the hidden, repressed space of the mother in the text. The article analyzes the desire to overcome the orphancy by central characters in “Dzhan” and “Chevengur”, which are emotionally various texts, not in the trivial context of the connection with the father, but with regard to the search of the mother and the realization of her ёnding – the return to the womb that is the connection between the process of birth and the symbolic overcoming of death. The author approves the use of the categorical framework of psychoanalysis and philosophical concepts in the analysis of a literary text. The difference between the two texts analyzed in the process of overcoming orphancy represents the desire to build a happy utopia in the Soviet reality of the conяicting 30s.
Glushenkova, OlgaA. Transformation of the Subject in the Act of the Reverse birth: Analysis of the Search of the Lost Mother (based on A. Platonov’s Texts) / OlgaA. Glushenkova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №5 .— С. 61-67 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/453610 (дата обращения: 18.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 5 (2016 9) 1109-1115 ~ ~ ~ УДК 101.1::316 Transformation of the Subject in the Act of the Reverse birth: Analysis of the Search of the Lost Mother (based on A. Platonov’s Texts) Olga A. Glushenkova* Siberian State Technological University 57 Markovskogo Str., Krasnoyarsk, 660017, Russia Received 01.02.2016, received in revised form 18.03.2016, accepted 20.04.2016 The article is dedicated to the ontological analysis of A. Platonov’s texts. <...> The classical theme of orphancy, raised by the writer, is analyzed through the defi nitions of J. Kristeva about searching of the lost motherly. <...> The problem of the displacement of the mother by European rationality leaves open the question of the status of this “repressed” space. <...> In the analysis of the text, it is represented by the concept of Michel Foucault that is heterotopia, for conceptualizing the hidden, repressed space of the mother in the text. <...> The article analyzes the desire to overcome the orphancy by central characters in “Dzhan” and “Chevengur”, which are emotionally various texts, not in the trivial context of the connection with the father, but with regard to the search of the mother and the realization of her fi nding – the return to the womb that is the connection between the process of birth and the symbolic overcoming of death. <...> The author approves the use of the categorical framework of psychoanalysis and philosophical concepts in the analysis of a literary text. <...> The difference between the two texts analyzed in the process of overcoming orphancy represents the desire to build a happy utopia in the Soviet reality of the confl icting 30s. <...> Introduction The works of A. Platonov represent a rich material for researchers: A. Platonov, the author of the works “The Foundation Pit” and “Chevengur”, called a “misunderstood” writer, is still unsolved. <...> The “funeral” text of “The Foundation Pit” was written at the same time as Olga A. Glushenkova. <...> Transformation of the Subject in the Act of the Reverse birth. the optimistic story “Dzhan”, while a politically controversial novel “Happy Moscow” even runs through all the work of the writer. <...> Theoretical framework The concept of heterotopia was fi rst offered by M. Foucault in “Other spaces” (Foucault M., 1984, 46-49), arguing that each culture creates heterotopia and each heterotopia may begin to function in another way at the change in the general synchrony of culture. <...> A heterotopic analysis allows us to take the thesis of “the changes in the general synchrony of culture” (Foucault M., 1984 <...>