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Первый авторMorozova
АннотацияAlethiology” is a comparative analysis of scientiёc approaches to social administration research presented in modern academic literature. The objective of the article is to demonstrate the opportunities provided by fruitful and heuristically relevant synthesis of sociocultural approach to administration and alethiology principles. The central principle of the research is the principle of culture-centrism, combined with the requirements of historical, systematic, and structural-functional approaches. As a result, the research reveals the overlap between the object ёelds of administration philosophy, alethiology, culture studies, and management. The present article may interest specialists in the ёeld of social administration theory, administration philosophy; practicing managers and everyone studying structural-functional connections between social administration and social management. Having studied the logical and conceptual evolution of social administration research methodology, the author arrives at the conclusion that alethiological ёndings have been inherently adopted by theory of administration, but at the same time the opportunities of combining the efforts of administration philosophy and alethiology in its progressive forms still remain understudied.
Morozova, O.F. Sociocultural Approach to Administration and Alethiology / O.F. Morozova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №4 .— С. 331-344 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/450095 (дата обращения: 14.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 4 (2016 9) 1035-1048 ~ ~ ~ УДК 005.1 Sociocultural Approach to Administration and Alethiology Olga F. Morozova* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Received 19.10.2015, received in revised form 19.12.2015, accepted 18.02.2016 Alethiology” is a comparative analysis of scientifi c approaches to social administration research presented in modern academic literature. <...> The objective of the article is to demonstrate the opportunities provided by fruitful and heuristically relevant synthesis of sociocultural approach to administration and alethiology principles. <...> The central principle of the research is the principle of culture-centrism, combined with the requirements of historical, systematic, and structural-functional approaches. <...> As a result, the research reveals the overlap between the object fi elds of administration philosophy, alethiology, culture studies, and management. <...> The present article may interest specialists in the fi eld of social administration theory, administration philosophy; practicing managers and everyone studying structural-functional connections between social administration and social management. <...> Having studied the logical and conceptual evolution of social administration research methodology, the author arrives at the conclusion that alethiological fi ndings have been inherently adopted by theory of administration, but at the same time the opportunities of combining the efforts of administration philosophy and alethiology in its progressive forms still remain understudied. <...> Today’s problematic situation is aggravated by the fact that, due to its multidimensionality, social administration process has become subject for multiple academic disciplines, which complicates integrating the obtained data into a whole picture. <...> It is right to notice that “the solution of the truth problem determines the ‘certain contents of cultural templates’” [Koptseva, N.P. such ideological and Olga F. Morozova. <...> Regarding the truth as a form of modelling wholeness on the level of social being [Koptseva, N.P. (2002)], alethiology does not just reveal the peculiarities of modelling various social systems, but also resolves controversies in the perception of individual being and being of the society, incarnating Sh. <...> Conceptually, social methodology contains the roots of administration two polar tendencies: fi rstly, spontaneous Greek dialectics revealed the desire to grasp the Truth, understand it and enter the “space of the Unhidden”, see the connections and interdependences of the “fi rst” and “second” nature (culture) through the Absolute <...>