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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences  / №2 2016

The Formation of Regional Identity in the Space of the Siberian Region (on the Material of Motherland Concept Analysis) (150,00 руб.)

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Первый авторObmorokova
АвторыNemaeva N.O.
АннотацияThe article below is a general review and it is dedicated to a regional identity phenomenon and sociocultural features of its formation. The key to understanding processes of different types of identities formation is carrying out researches on national and ethnic cultural processes. The present article gives a brief analytical and critical review of scientiёc works and articles of other authors written on the aforesaid topic. The subject of ethnocultural identity inяuence on the formation of national self-consciousness is revealed. The main method is critical analytics of the modern researches on the problem of regional identiёcation and self-identiёcation. The emphasis is put on the researches which focus on the Siberian regions of the Russian Federation. The modern problemacy of the ways of regional identity and self-identity formation reveals through the soft power of the cultural policy and the smart power of the scientiёc researches and creative projects of those who live and work in a speciёc region. This soft power favours construction of images, constants and concepts in a cultural space through preservation of national traditions and customs and its transmission to spectators via works of art and culture. One of the concepts connected with socialization, adoption and basic meanings is the concept Motherland. The article is focused on the image of the small homeland in the consciousness of the people of the Siberian region.
Obmorokova, A.M. The Formation of Regional Identity in the Space of the Siberian Region (on the Material of Motherland Concept Analysis) / A.M. Obmorokova, N.O. Nemaeva // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №2 .— С. 116-128 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/449980 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 2 (2016 9) 406-418 ~ ~ ~ УДК 304.2 The Formation of Regional Identity in the Space of the Siberian Region (on the Material of Motherland Concept Analysis) Anastasia M. Obmorokova and Natalia O. Nemaeva* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Received 03.12.2015, received in revised form 04.12.2015, accepted 28.12.2015 The article below is a general review and it is dedicated to a regional identity phenomenon and sociocultural features of its formation. <...> The key to understanding processes of different types of identities formation is carrying out researches on national and ethnic cultural processes. <...> The present article gives a brief analytical and critical review of scientifi c works and articles of other authors written on the aforesaid topic. <...> The subject of ethnocultural identity infl uence on the formation of national self-consciousness is revealed. <...> The main method is critical analytics of the modern researches on the problem of regional identifi cation and self-identifi cation. <...> The modern problemacy of the ways of regional identity and self-identity formation reveals through the soft power of the cultural policy and the smart power of the scientifi c researches and creative projects of those who live and work in a specifi c region. <...> This soft power favours construction of images, constants and concepts in a cultural space through preservation of national traditions and customs and its transmission to spectators via works of art and culture. <...> The article is focused on the image of the small homeland in the consciousness of the people of the Siberian region. <...> Besides, the mechanisms of Russian cultural identity in general already studying studying is also in process. “Studying the transformation of ethnic and Anastasia M. Obmorokova and Natalia O. Nemaeva. <...> The Formation of Regional Identity in the Space of the Siberiancultural (ethnocultural) identity into national identity has great signifi cance for the polyethnic cultural society of modern Russia” (Antonova, 2010). <...> A number of scientists argue that the key to understanding processes of different types of identities formation is carrying out researches on national and ethnic cultural processes (Assmann & Czaplicka, 1990; Friedman, 1994; Grossberg, 1996; Hall, & Du Gay, 1996; Kistova et al., 2014a; Koptseva & Kirko, 2015; Reznikova, 2015; Santos, 2015; Sitnikova, 2014; Ward & Searle, 1991 <...>