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Первый авторGalkin
АннотацияThe article is concerned with the problem of the new media deёnition as a phenomenon of modern digital culture. The author proceeds from the fact that media novelty, from the standpoint of culture history, is related to the question of experience boundaries (printing was the new media for medieval era and photography – for the printing culture of the 20th century). The new media of digital culture can be divided on the principle of the boundaries that they change: domestic (change the boundaries of private life), homeless (the boundaries of public space) and intimate (the boundaries of human body).
Galkin, D.V. New Media: Technological Design of Forms and Boundaries of Cultural Experience / D.V. Galkin // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №8 .— С. 21-30 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/447673 (дата обращения: 30.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 8 (2015 8) 1541-1550 ~ ~ ~ УДК 130.2:070 New Media: Technological Design of Forms and Boundaries of Cultural Experience Dmitry V. Galkin* National Research Tomsk State University 30 Lenin Str., Tomsk, 634050, Russia Received 30.03.2015, received in revised form 19.05.2015, accepted 05.06.2015 The article is concerned with the problem of the new media defi nition as a phenomenon of modern digital culture. <...> The author proceeds from the fact that media novelty, from the standpoint of culture history, is related to the question of experience boundaries (printing was the new media for medieval era and photography – for the printing culture of the 20th century). <...> The new media of digital culture can be divided on the principle of the boundaries that they change: domestic (change the boundaries of private life), homeless (the boundaries of public space) and intimate (the boundaries of human body). <...> There was a humorous comparison: in 1960 we launched a man to the Moon, and today we are launching birds into pigs (of course, there is a view of the famous game “Angry Birds” (by Finnish company Rovio). <...> New Media: Technological Design of Forms and Boundaries of Cultural Experience course, as theorists, historians and interpreters, we are always at the position of cultural determinism and here there is no escape, we are not engineers. <...> Internet, social networks, digital photos, blogs, video games and e-book – it is a look from the 1990s, when everyone started talking about the new media. <...> Ralph Baer – an American engineer, the inventor of interactive television and home video game devices, who patented a lot of interesting developments that subsequently became game consoles. <...> The idea of this wheel was that with the use of a single device # 1542 # Dmitry V. Galkin. <...> New Media: Technological Design of Forms and Boundaries of Cultural Experience to provide maximum easy and fast access to the related text fragments from different books. <...> The boundaries of physical space and time, limits, associated with our body, with the urban space and social boundaries of the private and the public. <...> Domestic Media Let us suppose that we refer such interesting gadgets as IRobot – the popular robot vacuum cleaner, which creates a map <...>