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Первый авторAfanasieva
АвторыIvanova RaissaP.
АннотацияThe article deals with the study of concept FIRE in Sakha and English languages. Basing on the theory of conceptual metaphor the authors singled out metaphoric models of representation of concept FIRE in both cultures. The two languages have common universal and differential speciёc ways of conceptualizing the concept under study. They depend on the structure of both languages and also on cultural and historic background. The Sakha language displays pagan conception of ёre as a living being expressed in the models FIRE IS A HUMAN BEING, FIRE IS AN OLD MAN. The metaphoric models found in the English language are connected with materialistic conception of ёre in the models FIRE IS A MATERIAL OBJECT. The examples of personiёcation in English convey humanlike characteristics of ёre which is able to consume, dance, sweep, kill, die, etc. The Christian religion of the English reveals itself in the metaphoric model FIRE IS HELL which is a well-known allusion to the Bible. The identiёed models might be valuable for cross-cultural studies and cognitive linguistics.
Afanasieva, EvdokiyaN. Metaphoric Models of the Concept FIRE in Sakha and English Languages / EvdokiyaN. Afanasieva, RaissaP. Ivanova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №6 .— С. 99-108 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446352 (дата обращения: 18.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 6 (2015 8) 1121-1130 ~ ~ ~ УДК 81-23 Metaphoric Models of the Concept FIRE in Sakha and English Languages Evdokiya N. Afanasieva and Raissa P. Ivanova* Mirny Polytechnic institute (branch) of Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University 5/1 Tikhonova Str. , Mirny, Sakha Republic, 678170, Russia Received 31. 03. 2015, received in revised form 04. 04. 2015, accepted 19. 05. 2015 The article deals with the study of concept FIRE in Sakha and English languages. <...> Basing on the theory of conceptual metaphor the authors singled out metaphoric models of representation of concept FIRE in both cultures. <...> The Sakha language displays pagan conception of fi re as a living being expressed in the models FIRE IS A HUMAN BEING, FIRE IS AN OLD MAN. <...> The metaphoric models found in the English language are connected with materialistic conception of fi re in the models FIRE IS A MATERIAL OBJECT. <...> The examples of personifi cation in English convey humanlike characteristics of fi re which is able to consume, dance, sweep, kill, die, etc. <...> The Christian religion of the English reveals itself in the metaphoric model FIRE IS HELL which is a well-known allusion to the Bible. <...> The identifi ed models might be valuable for cross-cultural studies and cognitive linguistics. <...> The theory of cognitive metaphors as the basis of analysis Many linguists hold the view that our cognition is metaphoric (Lakoff, 2003; Fauconnier, 1985; Grady, 1999 and many others). <...> Analyzing metaphoric models we dwell upon the postulates of the theory of conceptual metaphor worked out by G. Lakoff and M. Johnson. <...> According to them the concept in two Evdokiya N. Afanasieva and Raissa P. Ivanova. <...> Metaphoric Models of the Concept FIRE in Sakha and English Languages the human conceptual system is metaphorically structured and defi ned. <...> In their work metaphor stands for metaphorical concept (Lakoff, 2003: 7). <...> As the authors write, the most fundamental values in a culture are coherent with the metaphorical structure of (Lakoff, 2003: 23). <...> Building models representation of of the the concept FIRE we relied on the postulate of the theory of the cognitive metaphor which says that understanding our experiences in terms <...>