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Первый авторVeklenko
АннотацияThe article gives a general description of the situational approach to solving problems of the socialhuman cognition. The author considers the removal of contradictions between the objectivist (natural science) and the subjectivist (the humanities) methodological orientations in the social-human cognition as the objective of the situational approach. An overview of the theoretical foundations of the situational approach – the introspective ontology going back to Kant’s theory of cognition and theory of situations based on the non-classical tradition of philosophizing – is given. The article discusses the conceptual apparatus of the theory of situations, categories that describe the statics of the situation as a subjective-objective structure and the dynamics of the situation as the rationalconditional interaction and relation between the situations.
Veklenko, PavelV. Situational Approach in the Social-Human Cognition: Objectives, Principles and Categories / PavelV. Veklenko // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №5 .— С. 185-192 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446322 (дата обращения: 14.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 5 (2015 8) 1003-1010 ~ ~ ~ УДК 167 Situational Approach in the Social-Human Cognition: Objectives, Principles and Categories Pavel V. Veklenko* Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia 7 Komarova, Omsk, 644092, Russia Received 06.08.2014, received in revised form 16.10.2014, accepted 21.12.2014 The article gives a general description of the situational approach to solving problems of the socialhuman cognition. <...> The author considers the removal of contradictions between the objectivist (natural science) and the subjectivist (the humanities) methodological orientations in the social-human cognition as the objective of the situational approach. <...> An overview of the theoretical foundations of the situational approach – the introspective ontology going back to Kant’s theory of cognition and theory of situations based on the non-classical tradition of philosophizing – is given. <...> The article discusses the conceptual apparatus of the theory of situations, categories that describe the statics of the situation as a subjective-objective structure and the dynamics of the situation as the rationalconditional interaction and relation between the situations. <...> Unlike the intuitive situational orientation typical for many modern scholars, the situational approach proposed by the author of this article is based on the theory of situations, and not on “situational representations”, which have not been subjected © Siberian Federal University. <...> The philosophy of the great German philosopher introduces the concept of an epistemologism (Lektorsky, Shvyrev, 1983, pp. 19-23), according to which it is not the being that generates the subject, but the subject creates the being (the only phenomenal being available Pavel V. Veklenko. <...> Kant’s epistemologism is of the “non-classical impetus”, which will subsequently cause a rapid development phenomenology, existential philosophy and postmodern tradition with its value relativism and lead to the formation of the introspective ontology as a covert programme of non-classical philosophizing. <...> The antecedence of the subject in relation to the being (the epistemologism opposed to the ontologism of the classics); 2. <...> Understanding of the individual subject as the utmost basis of the being (as a counter to the abstract-general subject of the classics); 3. <...> Interpretation of the being as the clash of the world (objective conditions) and the individual subject; 4. <...> We can state the problem otherwise: is the choice of a social-human researcher Is a limited by the roles of an “impartial observer” or a “free artist”? compromise possible between the methodological orientations of the natural sciences and the humanities that generated the ideological contradictions? <...> The conceptual means that can be divided <...>