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Первый авторMelnikova
АннотацияThe article attempts to carry out the philosophical reяection of anthropological theological perspective, placing the question of correlation of religious categories on a fundamentally different level, which exceeds the scope of the religious content. The notions of temptation, seduction and charm are compared. The designated categories are considered as the graduation of the same state, taken in development stages: from ethical neutrality, emotional non-involvement, expressed in the category of “temptation” through the emotional preparedness to respond to external stimuli, which is a test of the moral qualities of the person (“seduction”) to willingness to substitute the essence of good – sin (“charm”).
УДК2:242 + 141.333 + 101.8
Melnikova, ElenaV. On the Correlation Between the Concepts of Sin, Seduction, Temptation and Charm in Orthodox Anthropology / ElenaV. Melnikova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №5 .— С. 94-100 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446313 (дата обращения: 14.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 5 (2015 8) 912-918 ~ ~ ~ УДК 2:242 + 141.333 + 101.8 On the Correlation Between the Concepts of Sin, Seduction, Temptation and Charm in Orthodox Anthropology Elena V. Melnikova* Ural Federal University named after the B. N. Yeltsin 51 Lenin, Ekaterinburg, 620083, Russia Received 22.01.2015, received in revised form 16.02.2015, accepted 19.03.2015 The article attempts to carry out the philosophical refl ection of anthropological theological perspective, placing the question of correlation of religious categories on a fundamentally different level, which exceeds the scope of the religious content. <...> Those categories that have traditionally been used only in the framework of theology and, moreover, under the pressure of scientistic and atheistic attitudes, were expelled from other areas, acquire vernacular meaning today. <...> Thus, the anthropological problem of theology merges with the philosophical refl ection about the traditional theological categories used for the consideration of the human nature (freedom © Siberian Federal University. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: e.v.melnikova@urfu.ru # 912 # of spirit, self-determination in the face of God, etc.) and to clarify the issue of the relationship between different aspects of the “body” and “soul” in their modern sense. (Stepanova) Although the problem of man has been given an important place in theological thought, the special, deep and complete treatment of this topic is formation of relatively new. <...> History of anthropological foundations is anthropology of the the conventionally divided into the ante-Nicene anthropology, great doctrinal disputes, desert, mystics, theological syntheses and Hesychastic (Palamite) . <...> Only with the XIX century in Western theology Elena V. Melnikova. <...> On the Correlation Between the Concepts of Sin, Seduction, Temptation and Charm in Orthodox… the phrase “theological anthropology” begins to denote the systematic doctrine of man, answer to the fundamental question: “What is man?” The so-called anthropological turn in theology was driven by the need to be updated to new philosophical tools, which would take into account the recent development of scientifi c and philosophical thought. <...> Therefore, theological anthropology can be defi ned as a conscious human intention to comprehend himself, his nature, to understand himself as a person through Revelation. <...> The human spirit, on the one hand, strives for freedom beyond the permissible limits and sins, thereby destroying the prevailing unity of spirit, soul and fl <...>