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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences  / №4 2015

Use of Scientiёc-Artistic and Substantive Reconstruction in the Process of Studying Military Arts of Ancient and Medieval Nomads of South Siberia and Central Asia (150,00 руб.)

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Первый авторKhudiakov
АннотацияThe paper analyzes the experience of creation and use of scientiёc-artistic and substantive reconstructions of the weapon systems of ancient and medieval nomadic peoples who inhabited the mountains and steppes of South Siberia and Central Asia for scientiёc purposes. The main results of the previous experiments held by the researchers in classiёcation of ancient and medieval weapon objects of Eurasia steppe zone’s ancient and medieval peoples are manifested. The basic principles of formal signs typological classiёcation of the subjects of offensive and defensive weapons’ objects from the archaeological sites and collections from the monuments of the nomadic cultures of Central Asia historical and cultural region are reviewed. As a result of the ancient or medieval nomadic population armaments classiёcation analysis, it is possible to identify the spectrum of kinds and typological diversity of weapons as a part of object complex of each speciёc archaeological culture. All the variety of the speciёc archaeological culture’s classiёed forms of weapon can be consolidated to a single set of the implements of war. On the basis of the identiёed set, it is possible to carry out scientiёc-artistic reconstructions of the nomad warriors’ look. These pictures of ancient and medieval nomadic warriors could be used as a model for making substantive reconstructions containing items of offensive and defensive weapons made of modern materials. Such objects can be used for identiёcation of functional characteristics of various objects and their details as a part of weapons complex. Substantive reconstructions can be valuable teaching aids for delivering lectures or conducting seminars on military history of the nomadic peoples of Central Asia historical and cultural region, during the training process.
Khudiakov, JuliusS. Use of Scientiёc-Artistic and Substantive Reconstruction in the Process of Studying Military Arts of Ancient and Medieval Nomads of South Siberia and Central Asia / JuliusS. Khudiakov // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №4 .— С. 108-119 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446258 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 4 (2015 8) 658-669 ~ ~ ~ УДК 902.01/904 Use of Scientifi c-Artistic and Substantive Reconstruction in the Process of Studying Military Arts of Ancient and Medieval Nomads of South Siberia and Central Asia Julius S. Khudiakov* Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS 17 Akademika Lavrentieva Pr., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia Received 11.12.2014, received in revised form 20.02.2015, accepted 11.03.2015 The paper analyzes the experience of creation and use of scientifi c-artistic and substantive reconstructions of the weapon systems of ancient and medieval nomadic peoples who inhabited the mountains and steppes of South Siberia and Central Asia for scientifi c purposes. <...> The main results of the previous experiments held by the researchers in classifi cation of ancient and medieval weapon objects of Eurasia steppe zone’s ancient and medieval peoples are manifested. <...> The basic principles of formal signs typological classifi cation of the subjects of offensive and defensive weapons’ objects from the archaeological sites and collections from the monuments of the nomadic cultures of Central Asia historical and cultural region are reviewed. <...> As a result of the ancient or medieval nomadic population armaments classifi cation analysis, it is possible to identify the spectrum of kinds and typological diversity of weapons as a part of object complex of each specifi c archaeological culture. <...> All the variety of the specifi c archaeological culture’s classifi ed forms of weapon can be consolidated to a single set of the implements of war. <...> On the basis of the identifi ed set, it is possible to carry out scientifi c-artistic reconstructions of the nomad warriors’ look. <...> These pictures of ancient and medieval nomadic warriors could be used as a model for making substantive reconstructions containing items of offensive and defensive weapons made of modern materials. <...> Such objects can be used for identifi cation of functional characteristics of various objects and their details as a part of weapons complex. <...> Substantive reconstructions can be valuable teaching aids for delivering lectures or conducting seminars on military history of the nomadic peoples of Central Asia historical and cultural region, during the training process. <...> Keywords: South Siberia, Central Asia, scientifi c-artistic and substantive reconstructions, weapon systems, ancient and medieval nomads <...>