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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences  / №4 2015

Crafting Technology of the Bracelets Found at Usvinskaya site Group of the South East Variant of Lomovatovo-Rodanovo Community (150,00 руб.)

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Первый авторMoriakhina
АннотацияThe article presents an analysis of the crafting technology of the bracelets found at Usvinskaya site group and a classiёcation based on the research. For the sake of completeness, chemical composition analysis of the metal bracelets was conducted; as a result, a link between the alloy and the crafting technology was found. For each type of bracelets some analogies and approximate age-dating are presented. The results of the study can initiate a comprehensive research of medieval jewellery crafted in the Perm Cis-Urals.
Moriakhina, KristinaV. Crafting Technology of the Bracelets Found at Usvinskaya site Group of the South East Variant of Lomovatovo-Rodanovo Community / KristinaV. Moriakhina // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №4 .— С. 50-55 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446252 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 4 (2015 8) 600-605 ~ ~ ~ УДК 902.01 Crafting Technology of the Bracelets Found at Usvinskaya site Group of the South East Variant of Lomovatovo-Rodanovo Community Kristina V. Moriakhina* Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University 24 Siberian Str., Perm, 614000, Russia Received 10.11.2014, received in revised form 12.12.2014, accepted 04.02.2015 The article presents an analysis of the crafting technology of the bracelets found at Usvinskaya site group and a classifi cation based on the research. <...> For the sake of completeness, chemical composition analysis of the metal bracelets was conducted; as a result, a link between the alloy and the crafting technology was found. <...> The results of the study can initiate a comprehensive research of medieval jewellery crafted in the Perm Cis-Urals. <...> The material was prepared within the framework of the project 029a-F, PSHPU Strategic Development Program. <...> The Medieval fi ndings located in the basin of the Chusovaya River and its confl uents are customarily united into the South Eastern variant of Lomovatovo-Rodanovo community. <...> Such fi ndings are located close together, being in a certain way isolated from the other Medieval sites of the Perm Cis-Urals (Ostrovskiy, 2003: 118122). <...> The best studied group of the archaeological sites found in the territory is Usvinskaya, including such fi ndings as ancient town sites Salamatovskoe I, II, the ancient settlement and barrow site Telyachiy Brod, Antybarsky barrow, Lisyi Nory ancient town site. <...> Regular archaeological works were carried out on the ancient town site Salamatovskoe I in 1986 under © Siberian Federal University. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: kmoryaxina@mail.ru # 600 # the supervision of A.M. Belavin, leaded by S.I. Abdulova1 in 2011-2013 ; on Antybarsky barrow, works were carried out in 1983 and 1986-1988 leaded by G.N. Lents2 ; on the ancient settlement and barrow site Telyachiy Brod research was carried out in 1986, 1987, and 2013 under the supervision of N.B. Krylasova3 . <...> Despite the large scale fi eld researches carried out at the sites, the fi ndings have not been thoroughly studied, and many of them remain unpublished. <...> Bracelets of Usvinskaya site group of the South East variant of Lomovatovo-Rodanovo community: 1–4, 6 <...>