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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences  / №4 2015

About the Possibilities of the Stratigraphic Analysis for the Chronological Attribution of the Rock Art Monuments (on the Example of the Tepsei Petroglyphs) (150,00 руб.)

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Первый авторAbolonkova
АвторыTaliagina MariaA.
АннотацияThe article is devoted to the stratigraphic analysis of petroglyphs at one of the planes with numerous palimpsests of the rock art monument, Mount Tepsei. It contains zoomorphic and anthropomorphic ёgures performed using the engraving technique. Nowadays there are a lot of opinions regarding the dates of these or those images of this plane. The implementation of the stratigraphic method has given an opportunity to follow the sequence of engraving the images on the plane, additional methods allowed to determine a certain chronology. As the result of the analysis the following chronological frames of creating the petroglyphs have been determined: from the New Stone Age (?) to the Ethnographic Time. Generally, the results obtained can be used for dating similar images both for Tepsei and other rock art monuments of the adjacent territories.
Abolonkova, IrinaV. About the Possibilities of the Stratigraphic Analysis for the Chronological Attribution of the Rock Art Monuments (on the Example of the Tepsei Petroglyphs) / IrinaV. Abolonkova, MariaA. Taliagina // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2015 .— №4 .— С. 11-18 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/446246 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 4 (2015 8) 561-568 ~ ~ ~ УДК 902/904 About the Possibilities of the Stratigraphic Analysis for the Chronological Attribution of the Rock Art Monuments (on the Example of the Tepsei Petroglyphs) Irina V. Abolonkova and Maria A.Taliagina* Kemerovo State University 6 Kemerovo, Krasnaya Str., 650043, Russian Received 31.10.2014, received in revised form 14.03.2015, accepted 31.03.2015 The article is devoted to the stratigraphic analysis of petroglyphs at one of the planes with numerous palimpsests of the rock art monument, Mount Tepsei. <...> It contains zoomorphic and anthropomorphic fi gures performed using the engraving technique. <...> Nowadays there are a lot of opinions regarding the dates of these or those images of this plane. <...> The implementation of the stratigraphic method has given an opportunity to follow the sequence of engraving the images on the plane, additional methods allowed to determine a certain chronology. <...> As the result of the analysis the following chronological frames of creating the petroglyphs have been determined: from the New Stone Age (?) to the Ethnographic Time. <...> Generally, the results obtained can be used for dating similar images both for Tepsei and other rock art monuments of the adjacent territories. <...> Each plane of the rock art monument is like a page of a book, when the meaning of the whole art piece gets lost without reading this one page. <...> The Tepsei archeological complex is a kind of a “multi-volume edition of petroglyphs”, the images of which are observed at the rock outcrops of Mount Tepsei (Points: 1–5 (Sher, 1980: 147; Sovetova, 1987: 173–176; Blednova et al., 1995: 32)). <...> The overall picture of the art sources of the monument is supplemented by the petroglyphs located at numerous mound stones below the mount (Savinov, 1976: 57–72; Nikolaeva, 1983: 10; Bokovenko, 1987: Fig. 2: 3; Miklashevich, © Siberian Federal University. <...> The images were engraved on the rocks at different time, and often ancient and medieval artists had been choosing the same planes for their drawings. <...> This method can specify which fi gure was applied earlier. <...> Stratigraphic analysis of one of the planes of Tepsei II in conjunction with other methods of rock art dating can solve some of the problems with the chronology of the series of the monument’s petroglyphs, as well <...>