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Agricultural Biology  / №6 2012


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Первый авторVolkova
АвторыVolkova L.А., Fomin I.K., Zinovieva N.A., Lotsmanova N.S.
АннотацияThe factors affecting the efficiency of the transfer of recombinant DNA into seminiferous epithelium of the chicken in vivo using retroviral vectors are studied. The maximum efficiency of the transformation of spermatogenic cells in chicken is demonstrated when virus was used as a source of genetic structure (pLgfpSN gene construct which contains the reporter gene of green fluorescent protein GFP based on the recombinant retroviral vector). The possibility of transmission of the transgene to offspring with the efficiency of transgenesis 4.2 % is shown.
OPTIMIZATION OF CONDITIONS FOR RECOMBINANT DNA INJECTION INTO SPERMATOGENIC CELLS OF THE CHICKEN IN VIVO / N.A. Volkova [и др.] // Agricultural Biology .— 2012 .— №6 .— С. 14-16 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/436668 (дата обращения: 12.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Sel’skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya [Agricultural Biology], 2012, № 6, p. 56-60 UDK 636.52/.58:573.6.086.83:636.082 OPTIMIZATION OF CONDITIONS FOR RECOMBINANT DNA 1 All-Russia Research and Development Institute for Livestock Husbandry, RAAS, Dubrovitsy settlement 142132, Moscow province, Russia e-mail: natavolkova@inbox.ru INJECTION INTO SPERMATOGENIC CELLS OF THE CHICKEN in vivo N.A. Volkova1, L.А. <...> Volkova1, I.K. Fomin1, N.A. Zinovieva1, N.S. Lotsmanova2 2 Base Medical College № 15 of Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow 109263, Russia Received October 15, 2012 S umma r y The factors affecting the efficiency of the transfer of recombinant DNA into seminiferous epithelium of the chicken in vivo using retroviral vectors are studied. <...> The maximum efficiency of the transformation of spermatogenic cells in chicken is demonstrated when virus was used as a source of genetic structure (pLgfpSN gene construct which contains the reporter gene of green fluorescent protein GFP based on the recombinant retroviral vector). <...> The possibility of transmission of the transgene to offspring with the efficiency of transgenesis 4.2 % is shown. <...> Using male germ cells as target cells for DNA transfer is considered as one of the promising methods for producing transgenic animals (1-5). <...> The development of this technique is quite urgent in bioengineering of poultry, because peculiarities of bird’s reproduction doesn’t allow the directed gene transfer commonly applied in farm animals by microinjection of DNA into pronucleus of zygotes (6). <...> The role of male germ cells as vectors for the transfer of recombinant genes is primarily associated with their natural ability to absorb foreign DNA (fDNK) and bring it into ovule during fertilization (7). <...> In this case, manipulations on adult animals significantly reduce financial and time costs on obtaining transgenic offspring. <...> Today, genetic transformation of male germ cells can be performed using a number of various techniques and approaches – lipofection, electroporation, viral transduction, etc., but the systems for effective transfer of recombinant DNA in target cell haven’t been yet developed. <...> At the same time, establishing such systems would open easy and convenient way to produce transgenic animals, since artificial insemination has been successfully used in agricultural practice <...>