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Agricultural Biology  / №1 2011


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Первый авторTimina
АвторыRyabova A.S.
АннотацияWith the use of parental forms of Capsicum annuum L. (Dobrynya Nikitich, Kolobok, Prometei varieties and also L 48 and L 49 lines) by the regression-cluster analysis the authors revealed the correlation between degree of identity of key alleles of economic valuable determinants and effect of heterosis. It was shown, that for the prognosis of heterosis in the conditions of the film nonheated greenhouse on module of marketable crop the degree of identity alleles in three clusters: fruit’s length—fruit’s index, fruit’s rot and duration of I phenophase—number of cameras in fruit; in the conditions of open ground — identity in the clusters: fruit’s length—fruit’s index, average fruit’s mass—marketable fruit’s mass have key significance. For the forecast of heterosis on mentioned module for both variants of growing the correlation between character and degree of identity of alleles in clusters: fruit’s length—fruit’s index and duration of II phenophase—duration of III phenophase is important.
Timina, O.O. FEATURE OF HETEROSIS IN CAPSICUM ANNUUM L. IN CONNECTION WITH DEGREE OF IDENTITY OF KEY ALLELES OF ECONOMIC VALUABLE DETERMINANTS / O.O. Timina, A.S. Ryabova // Agricultural Biology .— 2011 .— №1 .— С. 27-33 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/436653 (дата обращения: 19.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Sel’skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya [Agricultural Biology], 2011, № 1, p. 66-75 UDK 635.649:[631.524.7+631.524.84]:575.113.2 FEATURE OF HETEROSIS IN Capsicum annuum L. IN CONNECTION WITH DEGREE OF IDENTITY OF KEY ALLELES OF ECONOMIC VALUABLE DETERMINANTS 1Transnistria State University, Bioinformatics Research Laboratory, Tiraspol 3300, Transnistria e-mail: otimina@mail.ru O.O. Timina1, A.S. Ryabova2 2 A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems, RAS, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia e-mail: ryabova.anna@gmail.com Received May 20, 2009 S u m m a r y With the use of parental forms of Capsicum annuum L. (Dobrynya Nikitich, Kolobok, Prometei varieties and also L 48 and L 49 lines) by the regression-cluster analysis the authors revealed the correlation between degree of identity of key alleles of economic valuable determinants and effect of heterosis. <...> It was shown, that for the prognosis of heterosis in the conditions of the film nonheated greenhouse on module of marketable crop the degree of identity alleles in three clusters: fruit’s length—fruit’s index, fruit’s rot and duration of I phenophase—number of cameras in fruit; in the conditions of open ground — identity in the clusters: fruit’s length—fruit’s index, average fruit’s mass—marketable fruit’s mass have key significance. <...> For the forecast of heterosis on mentioned module for both variants of growing the correlation between character and degree of identity of alleles in clusters: fruit’s length—fruit’s index and duration of II phenophase—duration of III phenophase is important. <...> Currently, QTL is considered as the most promising method for detection of polygenic characters (4, 5). <...> The theory of ecology-genetic control of quantitative traits (911, 13) was the basis for introducing the concept of a module – the basic unit describing the structure of a quantitative trait. <...> Five genotypes of sweet pepper (the cultivars Dobrynya Nikitich, Kolobok, Prometei, the lines L 48 and L 49) were subjected to diallel crosses according to the scheme [Чp(p+1)] (non-heated greenhouse, center of the Transnistrian region, 2004). <...> The software Correlation matrices Statistica 6.0 was used to assess correlations between heterosis effects and levels of identity of re-determined alleles manifested in particular environmental conditions, and to perform <...>