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Agricultural Biology  / №1 2011


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Первый авторChernov
АвторыPendinen G.I.
АннотацияThe authors studied the features of callusogenesis and regeneration (number, mass, morphological characteristics and efficiency of callus formation, morphological characteristics of regenerants and regeneration efficiency) in the species from different section of Hordeum L. genus. For induction of callusogenesis the three explants types were used (young blossom cluster, immature corcule, ripe corn seeds), and also the three nutrient media differed on mineral content (N6, B5L, Murashige-Skoog). It was established, that a formation of callus tissue in species of Hordeum section differs from the same in species of different section (Anisolepis, Critesion, Stenostachys). The callus type do not depends on medium content and used explants. Some of studied species didn’t reveal the regeneration of plants from callus. The single regeneration type was specific for species from Hordeum section, but the multiple type — for species from Anisolepis, Critesion, Stenostachys sections. The type regeneration didn’t depend on selected explants (young blossom cluster, immature corcule, and ripe corn seed).
Chernov, V.E. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION CALLUSOGENESIS AND REGENERATION IN DIFFERENT BARLEY VARIETIES / V.E. Chernov, G.I. Pendinen // Agricultural Biology .— 2011 .— №1 .— С. 14-19 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/436650 (дата обращения: 15.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

UDK 633.16:57.086.83 COMPARATIVE EVALUATION CALLUSOGENESIS AND REGENERATION IN DIFFERENT BARLEY VARIETIES V.E. Chernov, G.I. Pendinen N.I. Vavilov All-Russia Research and Development Institute of Plant Growing, RAAS, St.Petersburg 190000, Russia e-mail: vechernov@mail.ru, pendinen@mail.ru Received January 15, 2009 S u m m a r y The authors studied the features of callusogenesis and regeneration (number, mass, morphological characteristics and efficiency of callus formation, morphological characteristics of regenerants and regeneration efficiency) in the species from different section of Hordeum L. genus. <...> For induction of callusogenesis the three explants types were used (young blossom cluster, immature corcule, ripe corn seeds), and also the three nutrient media differed on mineral content (N6, B5L, Murashige-Skoog). <...> It was established, that a formation of callus tissue in species of Hordeum section differs from the same in species of different section (Anisolepis, Critesion, Stenostachys). <...> The single regeneration type was specific for species from Hordeum section, but the multiple type — for species from Anisolepis, Critesion, Stenostachys sections. <...> The type regeneration didn’t depend on selected explants (young blossom cluster, immature corcule, and ripe corn seed). <...> Cultivated barley H. vulgare is frequently used in studies on culture of tissues and organs, there’s the developed system for cultivation this crop and findings on its regeneration (3-6). <...> Wild species are rarely used in such investigations, and the number of studied wild species is very small (7-12). <...> At the same time, these close relatives of cultivated barley are the possible sources of valuable traits for introgression into the genome of H. vulgare (13). <...> Knowledge of biological features of wild barley species cultivated in vitro is an extremely urgent task, since using their gene pool for breeding purposes is possible only at the use of in vitro methods. <...> Microclonal propagation of individual unique plants (eg. sterile interspecific hybrids of cereals) can be performed using somatic tissues of young inflorescences (15-17), for microcloning and formation of somatic tissue culture of barley - apical meristem of growing shoots (18). <...> Investigations of callus formation and regeneration are usually carried out on the explant most suitable for experiments <...>