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Проблемы машиностроения и автоматизации  / №3 2013


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Первый авторSiniov
АвторыArtem’eva Е.N., Mugin O.O., Mugin O.G.
АннотацияThe study deals with mechanical drives wich are fundamentally different from traditional toothed gears. It is possible to construct the new mechanical drives (reduction and speed-increasing drives) that are smaller in size, have a lower noise level and a high gear ratio (up to 500) at one stage, using the qualities of the plane curves of epycycloid and hypocycloid.
MECHANICAL REDUCTION AND SPEED-INCREASING DRIVERS BASED ON AN EPICYCLOID AND A HYPOCYCLOID / A.V. Siniov [и др.] // Проблемы машиностроения и автоматизации .— 2013 .— №3 .— С. 82-84 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/430246 (дата обращения: 18.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

N. Artem’eva, O.O. Mugin, O.G. Mugin MECHANICAL REDUCTION AND SPEED-INCREASING DRIVERS BASED ON AN EPICYCLOID AND A HYPOCYCLOID The study deals with mechanical drives wich are fundamentally different from traditional toothed gears. <...> It is possible to construct the new mechanical drives (reduction and speed-increasing drives) that are smaller in size, have a lower noise level and a high gear ratio (up to 500) at one stage, using the qualities of the plane curves of epycycloid and hypocycloid. <...> Keywords: epicycloids, hypocycloid, reduction and speed-increasing drives, input eccentric shaft, output shaft, roller, toothed gear, rolling contact bearings. <...> Long before the Common Era the mathematicians and the astronomers of Ancient Greece were interested in the amazing qualities of cycloidal curves of the epicycloid and hypocycloid. <...> In the Russian school of Machine and Mechanism Theory they are known as Class IV Pairs. <...> The progressive f ield is the study of the geometry of the Novikov’s Gear’s teeth. <...> In 1931 a German engineer Lorenz Braren patented the first drive of this kind. <...> Compared to the involute toothing the cycloidal toothing in reduction and speed-increasing drives has a number of advantages. <...> Due to a more frequent toothing these drives are long-lasting, smaller in size, volume and weight, and have a better carrying capacity. <...> The central idea of the design of these drives is that rolling bodies (or rollers) roll against specially profiled surfaces of two other bodies. <...> The interaction of the bodies that transfer motion from the input to the output shaft is caused due to a rolling contact bearing. <...> They are used in the robotics, the machine tool, the chemical machine building, the hoisting machinery, chain conveyors, radars, excavators and drilling equipment. <...> A very important characteristic of the drive is a low level of noise and vibration. <...> Although the term “bolt tooth reduction toothing”[5] is close in a way to the term “toothing”, in our opinion, the geometry of the this gears is fundamentally different. <...> Let us take a look at one step of this drive basing on an equation of cycloidal curves represented as parameters [6]. <...> The epicycloid equation: [(R+r) Cosφ-λr Cos((R/r)+1) φ]e1 +[(R+r) Sinφ -λr Sin((R/r)+1) φ]e2 The hypocycloid equation: [(R-r) Cos <...>