Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 644910)
Agricultural Biology  / №2 2015


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Первый авторMirzoev
АвторыKobyalko V.О., Isamov N.N., Gubina O.A., Frolova N.A.
АннотацияA problem to be overcome under radioactive pollution of the territory is how to produce animal products, particularly milk and meat, of due sanitary and hygienic quality. It is well known that agrotechnologies and agromelioration are not enough for decreasing transition of Cs from fodder to milk and meat more than 2.0-2.5 times. However, sorbents such as ferrocene-containing preparations Ferrocene, Biphezh, boluses and briquettes of lickstones can be used. Officinal ferrocene and ferrocene-2 are successfully being applied in livestock on the territories polluted with radionuclides. A substantiation of the optimal doses of fine ferrocene fed to animals necessitates the examination of possible toxicity of the preparation as far as it can sorb essential nutrients and metabolites when entering the gastrointestinal tract. The influence of hexacyanoferrate (II) potassiumferric (III), the fine blue odorless water-, alcohol- and ether-insolube powder with a particle diameter of 0.002 mm, was investigated on 3 month aged Wistar line rats of 250±20 g weigh.
УДК619: 57.082:599.323.4:591.1
THE INFLUENCE OF HEXACYANOFERRATE (II) POTASSIUM-FERRIC (III) AS A RADIONUCLIDE SORBENT FED AT DIFFERENT DOSES ON CLINICAL, HEMATOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS IN RATS / E.B. Mirzoev [и др.] // Agricultural Biology .— 2015 .— №2 .— С. 91-97 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/428666 (дата обращения: 12.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

KOBYALKO, N.N. ISAMOV (Jr.), O.A. GUBINA, N.A. FROLOVA Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations, 109 km, Kievskoe sh., Obninks, Kaluzhskaya Province, 249032 Russia, e-mail mirzoev.ed@yandex.ru A b str a c t A problem to be overcome under radioactive pollution of the territory is how to produce animal products, particularly milk and meat, of due sanitary and hygienic quality. <...> However, sorbents such as ferrocene-containing preparations Ferrocene, Biphezh, boluses and briquettes of lickstones can be used. <...> A substantiation of the optimal doses of fine ferrocene fed to animals necessitates the examination of possible toxicity of the preparation as far as it can sorb essential nutrients and metabolites when entering the gastrointestinal tract. <...> The influence of hexacyanoferrate (II) potassiumferric (III), the fine blue odorless water-, alcohol- and ether-insolube powder with a particle diameter of 0.002 mm, was investigated on 3 month aged Wistar line rats of 250±20 g weigh. <...> A daily intake of the preparation with feed was 11.6, 23.2 and 32.4 mg/kg during 30 days of the experiment. <...> We studied the hemoglobin, erythrocytes and leukocytes levels, morphological variants of leukocytes, content of SH-groups, blood serum proteins and their fractions, malonic dialdehyde level, catalase and superoxide dismutase activity in the peripheral blood, the DNA synthesis and reparation, metallotionein content in spleen lymphocytes, cellularity and weight of liver, kidney and spleen. <...> It was shown that the optimal daily dose of preparation is 11.6 mg/kg. With the increase of the hexacyanoferrate (II) potassium-ferric (III) daily level up to 23.2 and 32.4 mg/kg the negative reactions were observed along with the development of defense and compensatory processes. <...> Thus, in plasma of peripheral blood the increase of total protein content due to -, - and -globulin levels was shown with the simultaneous decrease in albumin level. <...> In spleen lymphocytes the cells amount reduction in the organ, activation of the DNA synthesis and reparation processes were registered compared to control. <...> It is supposed, that the revealed changes can be due not only to essential elements deficiency caused by their sorption in a gastrointestinal tract, but also by the intake of ferrum. <...> Keywords: radionuclides, hexacyanoferrate (II) potassium-ferric (III <...>