Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 644910)
Agricultural Biology  / №6 2015


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Первый авторZhuchenko
АннотацияFor the first time in the world, A.A. Zhuchenko has carried a system analysis of the adaptive potential in cultivated plants, identified crucial features and qualitatively new mechanisms of adaptive responses of plants during ontogeny and phylogeny, substantiated and formulated the key concepts of plant genetics, ecological genetics of cultivated plants, ecological and genetic foundations of the adaptive system of plant breeding, adaptive crop production, and the strategy for adaptive intensification of agriculture.
Zhuchenko, A.A. THE PRIORITIES OF ACADEMICIAN A.A. ZHUCHENKO / A.A. Zhuchenko // Agricultural Biology .— 2015 .— №6 .— С. 134-138 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/427918 (дата обращения: 12.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Zagor’evskaya, Moscow, 127422 Russia, e-mail ecovilar@mail.ru A b s t r a c t For the first time in the world, A.A. Zhuchenko has carried a system analysis of the adaptive potential in cultivated plants, identified crucial features and qualitatively new mechanisms of adaptive responses of plants during ontogeny and phylogeny, substantiated and formulated the key concepts of plant genetics, ecological genetics of cultivated plants, ecological and genetic foundations of the adaptive system of plant breeding, adaptive crop production, and the strategy for adaptive intensification of agriculture. <...> Keywords: adaptive system of plant breeding and seed reproduction, genetic resources, ecological genetics of cultivated plants, recombinogenesis, biomonitoring, agroecology, the strategy for adaptive intensification in agriculture. <...> On September 25, 2015, it was the 80th A.A. Zhuchenko, V.A. Kotelnikova, Y.A. Ovchinnikov, and A.P. Aleksandrov (form left to right; Biotron, Institute of Ecological Genetics of the Academy of Science of Moldova, 1982). anniversary of Alexander A. Zhuchenko, an academician and a distinguished scholar and statesman of Russia. <...> His fundamental research in genetics of cultivated plants, recombinogenesis, biomonitoring, agroecology, breeding, variety testing and seed farming, his strategy for adaptive intensification of agriculture, and his school of ecological genetics (61 doctoral and candidate theses defended under his supervision) are recognized worldwide. <...> Academician A.A. Zhuchenko has the world priority in developing special genetics of cultivated plants based on the first ever extensive long-standing research data on Tourn., including evolution, systematics, physiology, embryology, cytology, applied mathematics, assessment of the world collection samples for harvest, morphological, physiological and cytological traits, creation of lines, forms, mutants, multi-tracer mutants, varieties, studying of cultivar genealogy, heterotic hybrids, creation of a methodological base to determine the frequency of recombinations, the combining ability, genetic and cytological mapping, improvement of greenhouse experiments, systems of cultivar testing and seed farming, farming technologies, etc. <...> However, the main provisions of these and other similar publications practically did not differ from known works on population genetics. <...> Criticizing the one-sided approach of the «ecological genetics» school that emerged in the 1970s, the well-known American biologist and geneticist R.C. Lewontin, who has significantly <...>