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Первый авторLapitskaya
АннотацияThis paper is to name and characterize the most notable works devoted or even just mentioning a famous sufi author of the 11century al-Qushayri, the author of well-known treatise “Risāla”. Despite of his significance in the history of Sufism, not much attention he did capture from the European (as well as the Eastern) researchers of Sufism, and almost all what he was honored by in the modern Orientalism is his “Epistle on Sufizm”.
Lapitskaya, O.A. HISTORIOGRAPHY OF AL-QUSHAYRI’S HERITAGE / O.A. Lapitskaya // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Философия .— 2014 .— №1 .— С. 122-127 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/415100 (дата обращения: 08.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

HISTORIOGRAPHY OF ALQUSHAYRI’S HERITAGE O.A. Lapitskaya Department of History of Philosophy Faculty of Humanitarian and social sciences Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia Mikluho-Maklaya str., 10a, Moscow, Russia, 117198 This paper is to name and characterize the most notable works devoted or even just mentioning a famous sufi author of the 11th century al-Qushayri, the author of well-known treatiseRisāla”. <...> Despite of his significance in the history of Sufism, not much attention he did capture from the European (as well as the Eastern) researchers of Sufism, and almost all what he was honored by in the modern Orientalism is his “Epistle on Sufizm”. <...> The following article is to throw some light on the most notable works devoted to the famous sufi scholar of the 11th century, author of the well-known treatise “Ar-risāla fī ‘ilm at-tas}awwuf” (Al-Qushayri’s Epistle on Sufizm) (1), Abu ’l-Qasim al-Qushyri. <...> This work is not aimed to touch the encyclopedia’s articles mentioning al-Qushayri, but is to name and characterize papers and monographs devoted (even partly) to this sufi author and his heritage giving an opportunity to show the measure of investigation of this theme in the Western Orientalism. <...> As for the Arabic and Persian sources touching al-Qushayri’s study and life, among the most significant are the following works: Tāğ ad-Dīn as-Subqi “T}abāqāt aš-šāfi‘iya al-kubra” [22], al-’Asnawi Ğamāl ad-Din “T}abāqāt aš-šāfi‘iya” [7], ’Abū Bakr al-Bagdādi “Tārīh Baġdād au madīnati-ssalām” [5], Ğāmī Nūr ad-Dīn ‘Abd ar-Rah}mān “Nafāh}āt al-’uns min h}ad}ārāt al-quds” [16], ‘Alī ’Ibn ’Utmān al-H}uğwiri. “Kašf al-mah}ğūb li ’arbāb al-qulūb” [8], ‘At}ār Farīd ad-Dīn Nīšābūrī “Tazkiratu-l-’awliyā’” [12]. <...> Another Egypt philologist al-Ğundī provides his edition of al-Qushayri’s treatise “A Grammar of the Heart” with a significant <...>