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Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Математика, информатика, физика  / №1 2015

Numerical Method for Computation of Sliding Velocities for Vortices in Nonlocal Josephson Electrodynamics (80,00 руб.)

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Первый авторMedvedeva
АннотацияIn this paper, a model of infinite Josephson layered structure is considered. The structure consists of alternating superconducting and tunnel layers and it is assumed that (i) the electrodynamics of the structure is nonlocal and (ii) the current-phase relation is presented by sum of Fourier harmonics instead of one sinusoidal harmonic for the case of the sine-Gordon equation. The governing equation is a nonlocal generalization of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation with periodic nonlinearity that depends on external parameter of nonlocality λ. The velocity of vortices (2π-kinks) in models of such kind are not arbitrary, but belong to some discrete set. The paper presents a method for computation of these velocities (called also “sliding velocities”) and the shapes of kinks. The estimation of error of the method is given. The results of computations are the families of 2π-kinks parametrized by λ. It is observed that the 2π-kinks corresponding to different families for the same λ have nearly the same central part but differ in asymptotics of the tails. The numerical algorithm has been incorporated into a program complex “Kink solutions” in MatLab environment. The complex enables to compute the shapes and velocities of 2π-kinks for nonlinearities represented by sums of up to ten Fourier harmonics, as well as to model the propagation of these kinks.
Medvedeva, E.V. Numerical Method for Computation of Sliding Velocities for Vortices in Nonlocal Josephson Electrodynamics / E.V. Medvedeva // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Математика, информатика, физика .— 2015 .— №1 .— С. 47-54 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/404496 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

UDC 519.642.2 Numerical Method for Computation of Sliding Velocities for Vortices in Nonlocal Josephson Electrodynamics E. V. Medvedeva Department of Higher Mathematics-1 National Research University of Electronic Technology 5, Passage 4806, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia, 124498 In this paper, a model of infinite Josephson layered structure is considered. <...> The structure consists of alternating superconducting and tunnel layers and it is assumed that (i) the electrodynamics of the structure is nonlocal and (ii) the current-phase relation is presented by sum of Fourier harmonics instead of one sinusoidal harmonic for the case of the sine-Gordon equation. <...> The governing equation is a nonlocal generalization of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation with periodic nonlinearity that depends on external parameter of nonlocality λ. <...> The velocity of vortices (2π-kinks) in models of such kind are not arbitrary, but belong to some discrete set. <...> The results of computations are the families of 2π-kinks parametrized by λ. <...> It is observed that the 2π-kinks corresponding to different families for the same λ have nearly the same central part but differ in asymptotics of the tails. <...> The numerical algorithm has been incorporated into a program complexKink solutions” in MatLab environment. <...> Key words and phrases: Josephson junction, nonlocal Josephson electrodynamics, embedded solitons, sliding velocities, nonsinusoidal nonlinearity. 1. <...> Introduction In 90-es, in series of papers (see the survey [1]) it has been shown that in some situations the electrodynamics of distributed Josephson junction becomes nonlocal. <...> The basic equation to describe the vortex dynamics is no longer the sine-Gordon one, and it should be replaced by its nonlocal generalization (nonlocal sine-Gordon equation, NSGE). <...> It was found [2] that contrary to the sine-Gordon equation NSGE, does not support travelling simplest Josephson vortices (called also 2π-kinks or fluxons). <...> At the same time it describes fast 4π-, 6π- etc kinks and each of them can travel only with its own velocity that depends on its shape. <...> It was shown that the equation for vortex dynamics in this case is also NSGE. <...> In [5] it was assumed that CPR is described by two Fourier harmonics, therefore the governing equation was the nonlocal double sine-Gordon equation (NDSGE). <...> It was <...>