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Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Инженерные исследования  / №3 2013

THE INNOVATIVE AIMS AND STRATEGY OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY (as per example of the engineering faculty, PFUR): 2013—2040 (80,00 руб.)

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Первый авторShailh
АвторыHalabi S.M., Kupina Y.O.
Аннотация[Gist: The article is oriented to the overall policy of development of the National University of the RF, considering the PFUR as the case-study example; it is based on synergic systems approach, and identifies the aims, and strategy of development at the present level of VI-th technological cycle of the world community, til 2040: (1) the development of the “rating” as the leading University of the World, (2) to increase its income from the Global Market, and to free itself from the Govt,-Financing; (3) to mask structural reorganization as per the needs of the post-industrial society.]
Shailh, A.K. THE INNOVATIVE AIMS AND STRATEGY OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY (as per example of the engineering faculty, PFUR): 2013—2040 / A.K. Shailh, S.M. Halabi, Y.O. Kupina // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Инженерные исследования .— 2013 .— №3 .— С. 137-143 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/403657 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

UDK 720.681.324 THE INNOVATIVE AIMS AND STRATEGY OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY (as per example of the engineering faculty, PFUR): 2013—2040 A.K. Shailh, S.M. Halabi, Y.O. Kupina Сonstruction bureau, Engg. <...> Faculty People’s Friendship University of Russia Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6, Moscow, Russia, 117198 [Gist: The article is oriented to the overall policy of development of the National University of the RF, considering the PFUR as the case-study example; it is based on synergic systems approach, and identifies the aims, and strategy of development at the present level of VI-th technological cycle of the world community, til 2040: (1) the development of the “rating” as the leading University of the World, (2) to increase its income from the Global Market, and to free itself from the Govt,-Financing; (3) to mask structural reorganization as per the needs of the post-industrial society.] Key words: structure of science, structure of educations, university. 1. <...> Preamble. (1.1) President V.V. Putin’s “Ukaz”, Dec., 2012: to develop by 2020, at least 3 nos, of Universities of R.F., that should be among the “100 Best of the World Level”. (1.2) Evolutionary Stages of the “World University” through the Ages, as the “Synergic Process” in time, and as an analogueе: (1) 1800AD (Germany): early-stage of industrialization and urbanization of the nation-state, increasing influence and demands of the “First Scientific &Technological Revolution” (STR-I; I&II-Kondratiev’s Cycle: 1740—1840; the dominance of “Adam Smith’s Capitalist Market Mechanism and Management, and the needs of the “Anthropocentrism-I”: i.e., needs of “mass-education” in the society; socio-political failure to 135 Вестник РУДН, серия Инженерные исследования, 2013, № 3 understand the process provoked two revolutions, namely, the “US Freedom War” and the “French Revolution”); in this context, the key-role of the “University: (i) University, as the “highest center of knowledge and as the “academy”, is “to educate personnel on mass-scale” (i.e. the needs of the early “Newtonian Era”; to produce large number of “higher-educated personnel” for the society, i.e., >10%); (2) 1900AD (Germany): later-stage of “industrialization and urbanization”, the liberal-democratic form of state-functioning, increasing demand of the “First Scientific &Technological Revolution” (STR-I; IV-Kondratiev’s Cycle: 1890—1940; the dominance of “Adam Smith’s Capitalist Market Mechanism, and Management, and the higher needs of the “Anthropocentrism-I”: i.e. needs of “mass-education” and skilledworkers for industrialization <...>