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Kutafin Law Review (Юридический журнал имени Кутафина)  / №2 2014


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Первый авторZakharova Mariа
АннотацияThe declaration of freedom of speech used to be a milestone event for the legal world. It has paramount importance for the development of both national legal systems and political order. For a long time Russia trailed behind world liberal trends and initiatives in this regard. In the 19th century tough Imperial state regime did not allow it to generate freedom of the press in its legal arenas. And even in the 20th century, pro-Marxist authoritarian attitudes suppressed the development of a liberal legal system. In many ways, only the events of the end of the last millennium, involving changes in social structure, made it possible for Russia to merge with world humanitarian standards. This article investigates modern aspects of constitutional legal regulation of press freedom in Russia. The author draws parallels with the legislature of other countries, emphasizing legal and social practices that have taken shape on the issue in question. The current review considers applying provisions, regarding freedom of speech and press, by courts both in Russia and foreign countries.
Zakharova, M. FREEDOM OF SPEECH AS IT IS: TALKING ABOUT A FRENCH COMEDIAN, US OFFICIAL AND THE RUSSIAN TRUTH / M. Zakharova // Kutafin Law Review (Юридический журнал имени Кутафина) .— 2014 .— №2 .— С. 114-120 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/400889 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

258 CASE REVIEW FREEDOM OF SPEECH AS IT IS: TALKING ABOUT A FRENCH COMEDIAN, US OFFICIAL AND THE RUSSIAN TRUTH By Mariа Zakharova Author PhD (Law), Kutafi n Moscow State Law University, 2005 Head of a research center at Kutafi n Moscow State Law University and Associate Member at University of Bordeaux E-mail: avis_777@mail.ru Abstract The declaration of freedom of speech used to be a milestone event for the legal world. <...> It has paramount importance for the development of both national legal systems and political order. <...> For a long time Russia trailed behind world liberal trends and initiatives in this regard. <...> In the 19th century tough Imperial state regime did not allow it to generate freedom of the press in its legal arenas. <...> And even in the 20th century, pro-Marxist authoritarian attitudes suppressed the development of a liberal legal system. <...> In many ways, only the events of the end of the last millennium, involving changes in social structure, made it possible for Russia to merge with world humanitarian standards. <...> This article investigates modern aspects of constitutional legal regulation of press freedom in Russia. <...> The author draws parallels with the legislature of other countries, emphasizing legal and social practices that have taken shape on the issue in question. <...> The current review considers applying provisions, regarding freedom of speech and press, by courts both in Russia and foreign countries. <...> Keywords Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, Constitution, Constitutional Law, civil rights, French Council of State, US Supreme Court, Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the press www.kulawr.ru Volume 1 December 2014 Issue 2 KUTAFIN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW Freedom Of Speech As it is: Alking About a French Comedian, Us Offi cial and the Russian Truth 259 Mariа Zakharova The freedom of speech is a prerequisite for ensuring human individuality and personal freedom. <...> More than a century ago O.W. Holmes wrote, “The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fi re in a theatre and causing a panic.” Even earlier, in his “Speech for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing to the Parliament of England” (1644) John Milton declared, “The State <...>