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Георесурсы №2 2013

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АннотацияЖурнал издается с 1999 года. В журнале публикуются оригинальные научные работы по проблемам развития и освоения минерально-сырьевой базы углеводородов, твердых полезных ископаемых и подземных вод. Тематика публикуемых в журнале материалов охватывает проблемы развития и освоения сырьевой базы углеводородов, твердых полезных ископаемых и подземных вод. На страницах журнала обсуждаются актуальные проблемы недропользования, вопросы состояния и перспектив развития нефтегазо- и горнодобывающей отраслей промышленности, в том числе их технической и технологической оснащенности, деятельности отдельных компаний, национальный и мировой рынки минерального сырья, вопросы международного сотрудничества. Большое внимание уделяется новейшим методам исследований и их прикладному использованию в области геологии нефтяных месторождений, исследованию коллекторов.
Георесурсы : Научно-технический журнал .— Казань : Георесурсы .— 2013 .— №2 .— 52 с. : ил. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/381176 (дата обращения: 27.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Georesources is an official journal of • Kazan (Volga region) Federal University • The ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Tatarstan Republic • Academy of Science of Tatarstan Republic • Exploration Department of TatNeft Petroleum Co. <...> 2 (52) 2013 Editor in Chief – Anatoly Khristoforov e-mail: mail@geors.ru Fundamental Science: N. <...> Nefediev Deputy editor: Daria Khristoforova, e-mail: Daria.Khr@mail.ru Editor: Irina Abrosimova Manager: Elena Zhukova Prepress by Alexander Nikolaev Design by Artem Lukshin Translator: Vladislav Badalov Editorial address: Kazan (Volga region) Federal University Kremlevskaya 16a, off. <...> PI ¹ FS77-38832 The Journal is included in the international databases of Georef Subscription index in the Russian Rospechat Catalogue: 36639 You can find full text electronic versions of the Journal on www.elibrary.ru (Russian Scientific Electronic Library) The Journal is issued 4 times a year Circulation: 1000 copies Issue date: 03.10.13 Printed by «Izdatelsky Dom «Kazanskaya Nedvizhimost», JSC Sibirsky Tract Street 34, Kazan, 420029, Russia build. <...> Phone/Fax: +7 843 5114848 e-mail: 114848@mail.ru The Central Committee on Oil and Gas Development of Russia All rights protected. <...> Shtyrlin The Study of Percolation Phenomena in the Natural Clay Minerals by Dielectric Spectroscopy . <...> 29 Vega Milton Comparative Characteristics of Alluvial Gold Mineralization of the river Maranon (Peru) and the district La Carolina (Argentina) . <...> Azamatov The Introduction of Rapid Diagnostic Software Module of Watering Source on the Oil Producing Wells . <...> Gilmanova Geochemical Characteristics of Kazan Evaporite Rocks in the Eastern Part of the Russian Plate . <...> 26 А.Н. Шорохов, М.А. Азаматов Внедрение программного модуля оперативной диагностики источника обводнения. <...> ПГИ) в отдельной программе с различными форматами выдачи <...>
Georesources is an official journal of • Kazan (Volga region) Federal University • The ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Tatarstan Republic • Academy of Science of Tatarstan Republic • Exploration Department of TatNeft Petroleum Co. 2 (52) 2013 Editor in Chief – Anatoly Khristoforov e-mail: mail@geors.ru Fundamental Science: N. Neprimerov, M. Bergemann, E. Boguslavsky, D. Mercerat, L. Tagirov, V. Volkov, V. Samartsev, L. Sitdikova, A. Salamatin, N. Vandenberg, G. Holl, M. Salakhov, M. Khoutorskoy, J. Poort Applied Researches: R. Muslimov, D. Nourgaliev, E. Grunis, R. Khisamov, N. Zapivalov, R. Masagutov, V. Trofimov A. Aganov, N. Gatiyatullin, R. Sabirov, I. Larochkina, V. Izotov, I. Plotnikova, N. Khasanova, O. Ermolaev, A. Borisov, Ya. Volkov, Ya. Nefediev Deputy editor: Daria Khristoforova, e-mail: Daria.Khr@mail.ru Editor: Irina Abrosimova Manager: Elena Zhukova Prepress by Alexander Nikolaev Design by Artem Lukshin Translator: Vladislav Badalov Editorial address: Kazan (Volga region) Federal University Kremlevskaya 16a, off. 118, Kazan, 420008, Russia Phone: +7 843 2924454, +7 937 7709846 Fax: +7 843 2924454 www.georesources.ksu.ru. e-mail: mail@geors.ru Registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications and Mass Media. No. PI ¹ FS77-38832 The Journal is included in the international databases of Georef Subscription index in the Russian Rospechat Catalogue: 36639 You can find full text electronic versions of the Journal on www.elibrary.ru (Russian Scientific Electronic Library) The Journal is issued 4 times a year Circulation: 1000 copies Issue date: 03.10.13 Printed by «Izdatelsky Dom «Kazanskaya Nedvizhimost», JSC Sibirsky Tract Street 34, Kazan, 420029, Russia build. 4, off. 324. Phone/Fax: +7 843 5114848 e-mail: 114848@mail.ru The Central Committee on Oil and Gas Development of Russia All rights protected. No part of the Journal materials can be reprinted without permission from the Editors. (Rosnedra) – 50 years 8 M.A. Vasilyeva, Yu.A. Gusev, V.G. Shtyrlin The Study of Percolation Phenomena in the Natural Clay Minerals by Dielectric Spectroscopy .......................................... 29 Vega Milton Comparative Characteristics of Alluvial Gold Mineralization of the river Maranon (Peru) and the district La Carolina (Argentina) ....................................................................... 34 A.V. Kalmikov, R.R. Minebaev, R.M. Martinchuk, A.I. Nikifirov Efficiency of Waterflooding of Oil Deposits in the Tournaisian Stratum (Using the Example of Development Targets of Tatekh, CJSC) .................................................................................. 39 V.A. Lushpeev, O.A. Lushpeeva, O.V. Tyukavkina, V.I. Strelyaev Methods of Determining the Cause of Well Bores Flooding .............. 44 L.L.Frolova, A.G.Kurinova Identification of the Universal Features of the Indicators Planktons Species for Each Zone of Saprobity of Freshwater Reservoirs ..................................................................... 47 R.Kh. Muslimov The Oil and Gas Industry Development of Russia: Results and Prospects ........................................................................... 3 A.N. Shorokhov, M.A. Azamatov The Introduction of Rapid Diagnostic Software Module of Watering Source on the Oil Producing Wells ................................. 11 A.I. Sukharev Geological and Structural Factor of Distribution of Hydrocarbon Deposits in the Sedimentary Cover of Bolshekhetsky Syneclise (Western Siberia) .................................... 14 A.S. Khramov, V.G. Izotov, L.M. Sitdikova Determination of Oil-bearing Rocks Porosity by X-ray Phase Analysis .......................................................................... 18 F.S. Ulmasvay, N.I. Basarevskaya The Tectonic Association and Geological Structure of Shale Gas and Oil Plays ................................................................... 21 R.I. Kadyrov, R.R. Khusainov, D.M. Gilmanova Geochemical Characteristics of Kazan Evaporite Rocks in the Eastern Part of the Russian Plate .............................................. 26