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Известия высших учебных заведений. Электроника  / №4 2015

Атомно-слоевое осаждение: реакторы и применение (154,00 руб.)

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Первый авторКузнецов
АннотацияРассмотрены принципы и типы атомно-слоевого осаждения (АСО). Показано, что ACО востребовано благодаря своей точности на атомном уровне для контроля толщины и состава пленки. Представлены конструкции реакторов для быстрого и не требующего больших материальных затрат роста пленок.
Кузнецов, В.И. Атомно-слоевое осаждение: реакторы и применение / В.И. Кузнецов // Известия высших учебных заведений. Электроника .— 2015 .— №4 .— С. 33-44 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/376583 (дата обращения: 10.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ МИКРО- И НАНОЭЛЕКТРОНИКИ MICRO- AND NANOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY Atomic Layer Deposition: Reactors and Layer Applications V.I. Kuznetsov Company Levitech (Almere, The Netherlands) УДК 621.793:[539.23:539.216.1] Атомно-слоевое осаждение: реакторы и применение В. <...> Кузнецов Компания «Levitech» (Алмере, Нидерланды) Atomic Layer Deposition has emerged as a powerful, and frequently preferred, deposition technology. <...> The interest in ALD has increased considerably in the last decade due to exceptional properties of ALD. <...> ALD can be employed for the most demanding applications due to its superior conformality, large area uniformity and atomic level accuracy in controlling film thickness and composition. <...> An important challenge for the industrial application of ALD is the reactor that needs to be designed to allow for the fast and cost-effective growth of films. <...> This paper gives a short review of ALD principals, the types of ALD that can be performed, reactor designs and the main areas of ALD layer applications. <...> Keywords: atomic layer deposition; selflimiting surface reactions; uniform conformal thin films. <...> Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is a gas phase method based on sequential, self-limiting surface reactions, which belongs to the general class of Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) techniques. <...> During the past decades, significant growth has been seen in the materials made by ALD, applications, and commercially available ALD equipment [1]. <...> ЭЛЕКТРОНИКА Том 20 № 4 2015 365 V.I. Kuznetsov positing high quality, uniform and conformal thin films at relatively low temperatures. <...> These outstanding properties can be employed to face processing challenges for various types of next generation solar cells; therefore, ALD for photovoltaics (PV) has attracted great interest in academic research and industrial applications in recent years [3]. <...> ALD is particularly attractive method of coating for MEMS devices because they are 3-dimensional, and achieving a conformal coating is a challenge for other deposition methods. <...> There is a need for different MEMS coating such as protective hermetic encapsulation and surface coatings to reduce friction and wear [4]. <...> The ALD principles were transferred to the thin film deposition technology in Finland <...>

Облако ключевых слов *

* - вычисляется автоматически