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Свобода договора (1794,00 руб.)

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АвторыРожкова М. А., Моск. гос. юрид. ун-т им. О. Е. Кутафина (МГЮА)
ИздательствоМ.: Статут
АннотацияДвенадцатый сборник из серии «Анализ современного права» объединяет статьи, посвященные проблематике свободы договора. В представленных работах анализируются различные, порой весьма неожиданные аспекты свободы договора, определяются дальнейшие перспективы развития данного принципа, разбираются вопросы, тесно связанные с обозначенной темой, и т.п.
Кому рекомендованоДля судей, адвокатов, практикующих юристов, научных работников, преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов юридических факультетов, а также всех тех, кого интересуют проблемы развития российского права и вопросы применения действующего законодательства.
Свобода договора : сборник статей / ред. М.А. Рожкова; Моск. гос. юрид. ун-т им. О. Е. Кутафина (МГЮА) .— Москва : Статут, 2016 .— 673 с. — (Анализ современного права) .— ISBN 978-5-8354-1182-5 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/361584 (дата обращения: 11.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

В представленных работах анализируются различные, порой весьма неожиданные аспекты свободы договора, определяются дальнейшие перспективы развития данного принципа и разбираются вопросы, тесно связанные с обозначенной темой. <...> В представленных работах анализируются различные, порой весьма неожиданные аспекты свободы договора, определяются дальнейшие перспективы развития данного принципа, разбираются вопросы, тесно связанные с обозначенной темой, и т.п. <...> М.А. Рожкова УКАЗАТЕЛЬ СОКРАЩЕНИЙ АПК РФ ААС ВАС РФ ВС РФ ГГУ ГК ГК РФ ГПК РФ ГТУ Закон об АО Закон об ООО Закон № 42-ФЗ ЗК РФ КС РФ Концепция развития гражданского законодательства АО ООО Арбитражный процессуальный кодекс Российской Федерации апелляционный арбитражный суд Высший Арбитражный Суд Российской Федерации (в настоящее время упразднен) Вестник ВАС РФ Вестник Высшего Арбитражного Суда Российской Федерации Верховный Суд Российской Федерации Германское гражданское уложение гражданский кодекс Гражданский кодекс Российской Федерации Гражданский процессуальный кодекс Российской Федерации Германское торговое уложение Федеральный закон от 26 декабря 1995 г. № 208- ФЗ «Об акционерных обществах» Федеральный закон от 8 февраля 1998 г. № 14-ФЗ «Об обществах с ограниченной ответственностью» Федеральный закон от 8 марта 2015 г. № 42-ФЗ «О внесении изменений в часть первую Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации» Земельный кодекс Российской Федерации Конституционный Суд Российской Федерации Концепция развития гражданского законодательства Российской Федерации (Вестник ВАС РФ. <...> Draft Common Frame of Reference («Принципы, определения и модельные правила европейского частного права. <...> Проект общей справочной системы»4 Модельные правила европейского частного права, DCFR). <...> Разработчики Модельных правил европейского частного права отмечают: «…как преимущественно научный текст [DCFR. <...> 7 ; далее – А.А. Богустов DCFR имеет большое практическое значение для государств <...>
УДК 347.441 ББК 67.404.201 С 25 С 25 Свобода договора: Сборник статей / Рук. авт. кол. и отв. ред. докт. юрид. наук М.А. Рожкова. – М.: Статут, 2016. – 671 с. – (Анализ современного права). ISBN 978-5-8354-1182-5 (в обл.) Двенадцатый сборник из серии «Анализ современного права» объединяет статьи, посвященные проблематике свободы договора. В представленных работах анализируются различные, порой весьма неожиданные аспекты свободы договора, определяются дальнейшие перспективы развития данного принципа, разбираются вопросы, тесно связанные с обозначенной темой, и т.п. Для судей, адвокатов, практикующих юристов, научных работников, преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов юридических факультетов, а также всех тех, кого интересуют проблемы развития российского права и вопросы применения действующего законодательства. УДК 347.441 ББК 67.404.201 ISBN 978-5-8354-1182-5 © Коллектив авторов, 2015 © Издательство «Статут», редподготовка, оформление, 2015
TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword ............................................................................................3 List of abbreviations ............................................................................4 Andrey A. Bogustov Problems of Exercise of Principle of Freedom of Contracts in the Model Rules of European Private Law (Grodno, Belarus) ...................................6 The article deals with development of mechanisms of limitation of freedom of contracts in the Model Rules of European Private Law. It is spoken in detail consequences of application of standard terms of contracts and legal mechanism of defence economically of more weak party. Nicolas Rouiller Contracts That Infringe Regulations and Prohibitions: Nullity And Proportionality (Lausanne, Switzerland) .....................................................16 The freedom of contracts is limited by extremely numerous regulations and prohibitions. Many legal systems set forth that contracts that infringe these regulations are null (void) and generate thus no contractual effects. The judicial practice has often been confronted with the need of more nuanced solutions, with, as a consequence, a serious lack of predictability. The article points out that approaching the issue under the principle of proportionality allows delineating predictable and appropriate consequences to the civil sanction of illegal contracts. Nullifying contractual effects shall, in general, not serve the purpose of punishing the parties, since other legal instruments set forth by the infringed law (administrative or criminal sanctions, incl. confiscation of illicit profit) fulfill this function. From another point of view, it shall not be abstained from nullifying effects for the sole purpose of protecting a good faith party’s reliance (trust) on the validity of the contract, since such protection is granted by a particular liability (often referred to as «culpa in contrahendo»). As a result, the appropriate sanction consists in nullifying contractual effects to the extent useful to preserve or (if it is in concreto possible when the illegal contract has been fulfilled) reestablish a situation that complies with the infringed regulation. Such proportionate and efficient sanction can be called the «useful nullity». 661
Table of Contents Aibek Sh. Ahmedov Freedom of Contract in Islamic Law: Paradigms and Perspectives (Moscow, Russia) ..................................................................................................25 The present study examines the issues and perspectives of freedom of contract in Islamic law. Particularly it highlights the problematic approach of Muslim jurists to the concept of contract, which led to unjustified restriction of freedom of contract. Alexey A. Kot Freedom of Contract in the Civil Law of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine) ....44 The article is devoted to the phenomenon of idea of freedom of contract in the private law of Ukraine. The author first analyzed the key stages of development of requirements of freedom of contract in the historical context and described the nature and origins of this idea. This was the starting point for further analysis of the current law of Ukraine. Moreover, taking into consideration the current judicial practice the overall content of the principle of freedom of contract and its limitations were identified. The research allowed the author to demonstrate and argue both from a theoretical and practical point of view the importance of the idea of freedom of contract for private law. It should be neither tribute to the traditions nor just dead rule. On the contrary, from the point of view of the history of private law, the prospects for its development and improvement, and according to the developers of the Civil Code of Ukraine the idea of freedom of contract should be elevated to the rank of the principle of private law. Inna V. Spasybo-Fateyeva Some Aspects of Freedom of Contract in the Legislation and Court Practice of Ukraine (Kharkiv, Ukraine) .................................................81 The article reveals the essence of freedom of contract in different aspects: as a principle of regulation and its limits; relationship with other principles of civil law; coverage by this concept of a contract as a transaction, a text and a legal relationship; manifestation of the freedom of contract on its different stages (the conclusion, execution and termination); freedom of contract in the regulatory and enforcement relationships (from the perspective of responsibility for its violation). Vadim A. Belov The Development Prospects of the Notion of Contract and the Principle of the Contract Freedom in Russian Private Law (Moscow, Russia) .....105 662
Table of Contents The scope of the principle of freedom of contract as described in art. 421 the RCC, it seems to cover all possible manifestations. But practitioners lawyers are well knows that it impression is deceptively - it can be confusing only those, who knows nothing about Russian judicial practice, the settlement of disputes relating to the conclusion or performance of a contract. Rights from contract, which have any deviation from the standard and type, are risking does not meet neither legal protection, nor even the understanding of the Russian court. On the causes of this situation and whether it is trying to change, and if so – that how exactly, it looks at the author of this article. Sergey P. Zhuchenko The Mixed Contracts in the Context of the European (Continental) Legal Tradition (Pyatigorsk, Russia) ..............................................................159 The article concerns issues of the legal nature of mixed contracts and delimitation this phenomenon from similar ones. The rules which are applicable to them in Russia and abroad (mainly in Germany) are considered. Dmitry I. Stepanov Freedom of Contract and Multilateral Contracts (Moscow, Russia)......194 The key distinction between traditional bilateral contracts and multilateral ones is not about number of parties involved in particular agreement, but rather how the interests of the parties to agreement to be defined. Normally in a typical civil law contract, bilateral agreement, there is a strong conflict of interests between two parties; whereas in multilateral agreement opposition of interests of parties participating in such a contract might be more complex. As the author argues, parties to multilateral contract have heterogeneous interests varying from one group to another and these interests may change in the course of time, furthermore they are typically contract and case-specific and may change dramatically over the lifetime for a given contract. Because it is quite difficult (if possible at all given Arrow’s impossibility theorem) to aggregate preferences of all parties to multilateral contracts, majority rule is the only way how multilateral contracts to be governed by contract law. Hence, the author concludes, interaction between majority rule and the principle of freedom of contract is a key element for regulating of all multilateral contracts. The paper provides also an outline as how some specifies problems essential for all multilateral contracts (voting for subsequent amendments to contract terms, dissolution and expulsion, enforcement by minority of the contract terms, agency relationship) might be addressed, should the law has provided adequate enforcement for this type of contractual agreements. 663
Table of Contents Konstantin А. Galin, Mikhail B. Zhuzhzhalov Interpretation Rules of the Standard Terms of Contracts in Germany (Moscow, Russia) ................................................................................246 The paper discusses the rules of interpreting the standard terms of contracts (contracts of adhesion) adopted and developed in German legal system. The article also includes an account of the contemporary state of the relating issues: the general theory of the standard terms of contracts with some details about its history, and the German theory of interpretation of law and contracts. It ends with the particulars in terms of civil procedure and evidence rules Anastasiya F. Pyankova The Freedom of a Standard Form Contract (Perm, Russia) .............353 The article is dedicated to the peculiarities of the principle of freedom of contract in standard form contracts. The significant attention is paid to the redrafted article 428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the notions of the Federal law «On Consumer Credit (Loan)» referring to standard and individual conditions. The author concludes that general and special legislation is incoherent and suggests amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Afanasii A. Tomtosov New Approaches to the Protection of the Weak Party in the Contract (Yakutsk, Russia) .................................................................................364 The article is devoted to the new approaches to the protection of the weak party in the contract. Olga V. Mazur, Alexander P. Sergeev, Tatiana A. Tereshenko Liability for Unfair Negotiations as a Restrictions of the Contract Freedom (Based on the Provisions of Art. 4341 of the Civil Code of Russian Federation) (Saint Petersburg, Russia) .................................................383 The authors of this article analyze the problem, dedicated to establishment of content of the contract freedom limits, taking unfair negotiations as the example. Based on national and international experience of the doctrine and practice, the authors consistently comment on the main provisions of the institute of precontractual liability (culpa in contrahendo), which is implemented in the new Art. 4341 civil law. of the Civil Code of Russian Federation in the frame of the reform of 664
Table of Contents Sergey A. Gromov Reinstating of Obligations (Saint Petersburg, Russia) ......................397 This paper covers the possibility of reinstating of obligations as a stage of development of an obligation. It also presents the examples of reinstating of obligations in legislation and judicial practice and proposes conclusions in regard of permissibility and effect of reinstating of obligation under agreement of its parties. Lubov V. Kuznetsova Realization of the Principle of the Freedom of Contracts in the Rules of Shareholder Agreements (Moscow, Russia) .......................................... 419 The article relates the problems of the realization of the general principle of the freedom of contracts in the relationship connected with the execution of the shareholder agreement. Possibility of the application of this principle to the shareholder agreement is analyzed in the article taking into account legal nature of such agreements. Limits of the dispositivity of the shareholder agreement are specified. Certain examples of the realization of the principle of the freedom of contracts in the shareholder agreements are considered. Nikolay T. Kolev Freedom of Contract and the LLC Articles of Association under the Bulgarian Law (Sofia, Bulgaria) ................................................................445 The article analyzes the application of freedom of contract principle towards the LLC articles of association under the Bulgarian law. Based on the freedom of contract, the shareholders have the right to include in the articles of association various rules aimed to reflect the specifics of the particular company. The author underlines the interrelation between the freedom of contract and the rights and obligations of the shareholders, the co-ownership of shares, the expulsion of a shareholder, the competence of the general meeting and the termination of the company. Oleg P. Pecheniy Freedom of Agreement is in the Inherited Law (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ....455 In the article the problems of freedom of agreement are analysed in the law of succession. Vision of questions of correlation of agreement and acts of civil legislation, differentiating of imperative and non-mandatory rules, is expounded. The questions of the contractual adjusting of the inherited legal relationships, constructions of the system of agreements, are examined in the in the law of succession. 665
Table of Contents Maryia V. Miashchanava Contemporary Approaches to Use the Principle of Lex voluntatis in the International Commercial Contracts (Minsk, Belarus) .........................466 This article looks at principle lex voluntatis (party autonomy) and ways of expression of such choice. Particular attention is paid to the regulation of party autonomy by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, Russian Federation and the international documents: Rom I Regulation and Draft Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contract. It is specified how the clause on an applicable law should be formulated to provide to contractual parties possibility to refer to international sources and lex mercatoria. A number of variants of the clauses of an applicable law with comments of their contents are offered. Alexander I. Savelyev The Impact of New Information Technologies on Evolution of Freedom of Contract (Moscow, Russia) ..............................................................481 The paper analyses the influence of various new information technologies (Internet of Things, Augmented Reality, Big Data, Cognitive Computing, etc.) on the understanding and role of freedom of contract in new information society. The author argues that as such technologies develop further and penetrate deeper into various aspects of social life, their impact on contract law will be increasing. It will result in substantial transformation of contract law in direction of more technocratic approach and decrease of its role of social regulator, driven by the rise of computer code as a regulator of relations between man and device and between devices themselves. The paper also analyses new forms of commercialization of information from the point of view of current Russian legislation and articulates the especial importance of freedom to conclude innominate agreements in current Russian legal environment. Marina A. Rozhkova An Incorrect Use of the Terms «Consent» and «Agreement» in the Fourth Part of the Civil Code How a Factor that Resulting to Restriction of Freedom of Contract (Moscow, Russia) ..............................................................543 The article is devoted to the problem of meaning and understanding the terms «consent» and «agreement». Based on analysis of a text of the fourth part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation the author concludes that these terms are used in the law incorrectly. It is specified that this mistake lead to restriction of freedom of contract. 666
Table of Contents Aizhan A. Amangeldy Application of the Principle of Freedom of Contract in the Field of Intellectual Property (on the Right of the Republic of Kazakhstan) (Almaty, Kazakhstan) ........................................................................................557 This article analyzes the principle of freedom of contract in the field of intellectual property rights, namely the example of legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In this regard, we consider examples of judicial practice and approaches legislator Republic of Kazakhstan, the opinions of scholars-jurist. Therefore, revealed the influence of the principle of freedom of contract to the classification of contracts in the field of intellectual property Edyard A. Evstigneev Determination of the Type of Contract Law Rules Through Interpretation: the Dependence of the Type of Contract Law Rules on Formal Characteristics, the Grounds of Change of the Type of Rules and the Procedure of Its Determination (Moscow, Russia) .........................................................................565 The author of this article analyzes provisions of the Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the RF «On freedom of contract» concerning the key issues related to the determination of the type of contract law rules. Particular attention is paid to dependence of the type of contract law rules on formal characteristics, the grounds of change of the type of rules and the procedure of its determination. In this connection the author also analyzes the weaknesses and strengths of the provisions concerning these aspects. The study forms the evidence in support of the independence of the type of rules on formal characteristics and the need to use the grounds of change of the type of rules produced by the court practice. The research also contains recommendations to correct the procedure of determination of the type of contract law rules. Maria E. Plyatsidevskaya Combining of the Principles of Freedom of Contract and Operation of Law in Time (Moscow, Russia) ............................................................638 This article is about question of possibility for the parties to change law applicable to their earlier made contract to new one. This option depends on resolving a collision between principles of freedom of contract and operation of law in time. The author comes to conclusion that the parties have the right to agree on appliance of the new law. About authors .................................................................................648
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Предисловие (М.А. Рожкова) ...............................................................3 Указатель сокращений...........................................................................4 Богустов А.А. Проблемы реализации принципа свободы договора в Модельных правилах европейского частного права ........................6 Руйе Н. Свобода договора и договоры, нарушающие публичное право: недействительность и пропорциональность .....................................16 Ахмедов А.Ш. Свобода договора в мусульманском праве: дилеммы и перспективы ....................................................................25 Кот А.А. Свобода договора в гражданском праве Украины ............................44 Cпасибо-Фатеева И.В. Некоторые аспекты свободы договора в законодательстве и судебной практике Украины ..........................................................81 Белов В.А. Перспективы развития общего понятия договора и принципа свободы договора в российском частном праве ......... 105 Жученко С.П. Смешанные договоры в контексте европейской (континентальной) правовой традиции .......................................... 159 Степанов Д.И. Свобода договора и многосторонние сделки (договоры) ............... 194 Галин К.А., Жужжалов М.Б. Правила толкования общих условий заключения сделок в Германии ....................................................................................... 246 668
Содержание Пьянкова А.Ф. Свобода договора, заключенного на стандартных условиях .......... 353 Томтосов А.А. Новые подходы к защите слабой стороны договора ....................... 364 Мазур О.В., Сергеев А.П., Терещенко Т.А. Ответственность за недобросовестные переговоры как ограничение свободы договора (на примере положений ст. 4341 Громов С.А. Восстановление обязательств .......................................................... 397 Кузнецова Л.В. Реализация принципа свободы договора в корпоративном договоре ............................................................... 419 Колев Н.Т. Свобода договора и договор об учреждении ООО по болгарскому праву .......................................................................445 Печеный О.П. Свобода договора в наследственном праве ..................................... 455 Мещанова М.В. Современные подходы к использованию принципа «lex voluntatis» в международных коммерческих контрактах ................................................................ 466 Савельев А.И. Направления эволюции свободы договора под влиянием современных информационных технологий .......... 481 Рожкова М.А. Неправильное использование терминов «согласие» и «соглашение» в части четвертой ГК РФ как фактор, ограничивающий свободу договора ................................................ 543 Амангельды А.А. Применение принципа свободы договора в сфере интеллектуальной собственности (по праву Республики Казахстан).................................................... 557 669 ГК РФ) ......................................... 383
Содержание Евстигнеев Э.А. Отдельные вопросы определения вида норм договорного права с помощью толкования: зависимость вида норм от формальных признаков, основания изменения вида и алгоритм его определения ............... 565 Пляцидевская М.Э. Сочетание принципов свободы договора и действия закона во времени ......................................................... 638 Коротко об авторах ........................................................................... 648 Table of Contents ................................................................................ 661