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Финансы и кредит  / №8 2015

Особенности исламского налогообложения в условиях современной финансовой системы (90,00 руб.)

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Первый авторЛьвова
АвторыПокровская Н.В.
АннотацияВ статье отмечается, что исламские финансы – значимый феномен современного финансового мира. Исламская финансовая система демонстрирует стремительное развитие. Однако большинство исследований по соответствующей тематике посвящено исламским финансовым посредникам, рынкам и инструментам, тогда как роль публичных финансов зачастую недооценивается.
Львова, Н.А. Особенности исламского налогообложения в условиях современной финансовой системы / Н.А. Львова, Н.В. Покровская // Финансы и кредит .— 2015 .— №8 .— С. 31-42 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/360171 (дата обращения: 11.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Денежно-кредитные отношения 29 Finance and credit ISSN 2311-8709 (Online) ISSN 2071-4688 (Print) CREATING AND STRENGTHENING POSITIVE MOTIVATION OF A DEBTOR AS A WAY TO INCREASE THE EFFICIENCY OF DEBT COLLECTION AND TO STRENGTHEN ECONOMIC SECURITY Petr A. SKOBLIKOV Abstract Importance Effective debt collection is an important condition of smooth functioning of any business entity and member of civil transactions. <...> Objectives The study included two main objectives: to identify and systematize the basic positive motives of a debtor, consideration of which by creditors (debt collectors) could help to optimize the recovery of distressed debt; to model and describe a universal psychological mechanism for effective recovery of debts by banks and other lenders, which is based on the analysis and integration of motivational sphere of a non-performing debtor. <...> Results The article provides a universal psychological mechanism of effective debt collection by banks and other lenders, which bases on the analysis and integration of motivational sphere of a non-performing debtor. <...> I described and systematized typical positive motives of debtors, the role of negative motivation of debtors, illustrated the relationship of unidirectional and polar motives, and proposed recommendations on either building or strengthening positive motives. <...> Финансы и кредит Conclusions and Relevance The recommendations enable to optimize management of accounts receivable of business entities, to improve the efficiency of efforts to recover distressed debt, as well as to strengthen economic security of the country. <...> Keywords: distressed debt, debtor’s motives, effective debt recovery, economic security, criminal acts References 1. <...> Galochkin I. Motivy ekonomicheskogo povedeniya [Motives of economic behavior]. <...> Ignatova I.V. Motivy predprinimatel’skoi deyatel’nosti [Motives of entrepreneurial activities]. <...> Leont’ev A.N. Potrebnosti, motivy i emotsii: konspekt lektsii [Requirements, motives and emotions: lecture notes]. <...> Motivy ekonomicheskogo povedeniya sub”ektov tenevoi ekonomiki [Motives of economic behavior of the shadow economy subjects]. <...> Skoblikov P.A. Vzyskanie dolgov i criminal [Debt collection and crime]. <...> Skoblikov P.A. Imushchestvennye spory i kriminal v sovremennoi Rossii [Property disputes and crime in modern Russia]. <...> Skoblikov P.A. Korruptsiya v sovremennoi Rossii: slovar’ neformal’nykh terminov i ponyatii [Corruption in modern Russia: a dictionary <...>