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English for lawyers (200,00 руб.)

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Первый авторШевелева С. А.
ИздательствоМ.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА
АннотацияПособие ориентировано на развитие устной и письменной речи на основе профессионально-ориентированной тематики (право и закон, конституция, английское право, права человека, уголовное право, семейное право, суды и судьи т.д.) и лексики. Особое внимание уделяется диалогической речи, воспроизводящей ситуации общения в Davied's School of English, а также на семинарах юридических факультетов английских университетов. Тексты юридической тематики сопровождаются упражнениями на развитие устной и письменной речи. Грамматические правила сопровождаются разнообразными упражнениями. Приводятся тексты и игры на проверку усвоенного материала, а также англо-русский словарь юридических терминов и понятий.
Кем рекомендованоУчебно-методическим центром «Профессиональный учебник»; Научно-исследовательским институтом образования и науки в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по направлению «Юриспруденция» (030500)
Кому рекомендованоДля подготовки юристов-бакалавров.
Шевелева, С.А. English for lawyers : учеб. пособие / С.А. Шевелева .— 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. — Москва : ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2015 .— 384 с. : ил. — (Special English for Universities, Colleges) .— ISBN 978-5-238-02444-8 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/358879 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Воспроизведение всей книги или любой ее части любыми средствами или в какой-либо форме, в том числе в интернет-сети, запрещается без письменного разрешения издательства. © Оформление «ЮНИТИ-ДАНА», 2013 Contents Introduction 1 Reading letters and words 2 English alphabet Types of syllables Reading vowels in a stressed position Reading vowels in an unstressed position Reading vowel combinations in a stressed position Reading consonants c, g, s Reading letter combinations Word formation 3 Formation of nouns Formation of adjectives Formation of adverbs Prefixes and word formation Word combinations Unit 1 Studying law Grammar Articles Speaking English Students Texts Test 1 Unit 2 The Constitution of the Russian Federation and other constitutions Grammar 1 The singular and the plural of nouns 2 Degrees of comparison of adjectives Speaking English Constitutions of various countries Texts 1 General information 2 The Russian Federation 3 State power in the Russian Federation Test 2 Unit 3 The Constitution of the USA Grammar Texts Diagram 1 Possessive case of nouns 2 Nouns used in the function of adjectives 1 The Constitution of the USA 2 State and territorial constitutions Making laws in the USA Speaking English Vetoes Test 3 3 69 46 1 Moscow State Law Academy 2 Studying law at Cambridge 7 18 25 28 Unit 4 The UK and English law Grammar 90 1 Personal and possessive pronouns 2 Indefinite pronouns Speaking English Bills and acts Texts 1 The UK and government 2 Judicial precedent and English law Newspaper item A proposed reform of the House of Lords Test 4 Unit 5 The European Union and law Grammar Texts 110 Cardinal and ordinal numerals 1 The European Union and its institutions 2 European Union legislation Newspaper item EU draft patent law Speaking English Patents and licences Test 5 Unit 6 Human rights Grammar Indefinite tenses Text Human rights Speaking English Human rights Watch Newspaper items <...>
УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.2Àíãë-923 Ø37 Рецензенты: кафедра иностранных языков Московского университета МВД России (нач. кафедры кандидат юридических наук, профессор И.А. Горшен¸ва); профессор В.В. Шпрынов (Московский государственный лингвистический университет) Главный редактор издательства Н.Д. Эриашвили, кандидат юридических наук, доктор экономических наук, профессор, лауреат премии Правительства РФ в области науки и техники Шевел¸ва, Светлана Александровна. Ø37 English for lawyers: ó÷åá. пособие для студентов âóçîâ, обучающихся по направлению (030500) «Þðèñïðóäåíöèÿ» / Ñ.À. Øåâåë¸âà. — 2-å èçä., ïåðåðàá. и äîï. — Ì.: ЮНИТИДАНА, — 383 ñ. — (Ñåðèÿ «Special English for Universities, Colleges»). 2015. ISBN 978-5-238-02444-8 Агентство CIP РГБ Владение иностранным языком (английским) — обязательный компонент профессиональной подготовки современного юриста-бакалавра. Пособие подготовлено в соответствии с учебной программой и Государственным образовательным стандартом высшего профессионального образования. Пособие ориентировано на формирование коммуникативной и профессиональной языковой компетенции. ББК 81.2Àíãë-923 ISBN 978-5-238-02444-8 © ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО ÞÍÈÒÈ-ÄÀÍÀ, 2007, 2013 Принадлежит исключительное право на использование и распространение издания (ÔÇ ¹ 94-ÔÇ от 21 июля 2005 ã.). Воспроизведение всей книги или любой ее части любыми средствами или в какой-либо форме, в том числе в интернет-сети, запрещается без письменного разрешения издательства. © Оформление «ÞÍÈÒÈ-ÄÀÍÀ», 2013
Contents Introduction 1 Reading letters and words 2 English alphabet Types of syllables Reading vowels in a stressed position Reading vowels in an unstressed position Reading vowel combinations in a stressed position Reading consonants c, g, s Reading letter combinations Word formation 3 Formation of nouns Formation of adjectives Formation of adverbs Prefixes and word formation Word combinations Unit 1 Studying law Grammar Articles Speaking English Students Texts Test 1 Unit 2 The Constitution of the Russian Federation and other constitutions Grammar 1 The singular and the plural of nouns 2 Degrees of comparison of adjectives Speaking English Constitutions of various countries Texts 1 General information 2 The Russian Federation 3 State power in the Russian Federation Test 2 Unit 3 The Constitution of the USA Grammar Texts Diagram 1 Possessive case of nouns 2 Nouns used in the function of adjectives 1 The Constitution of the USA 2 State and territorial constitutions Making laws in the USA Speaking English Vetoes Test 3 3 69 46 1 Moscow State Law Academy 2 Studying law at Cambridge 7 18 25 28
Unit 4 The UK and English law Grammar 90 1 Personal and possessive pronouns 2 Indefinite pronouns Speaking English Bills and acts Texts 1 The UK and government 2 Judicial precedent and English law Newspaper item A proposed reform of the House of Lords Test 4 Unit 5 The European Union and law Grammar Texts 110 Cardinal and ordinal numerals 1 The European Union and its institutions 2 European Union legislation Newspaper item EU draft patent law Speaking English Patents and licences Test 5 Unit 6 Human rights Grammar Indefinite tenses Text Human rights Speaking English Human rights Watch Newspaper items 1 Human rights ‘key to defeating terrorism’ 2 Gypsies expelled from France Annotation International Rights in Context: Law, Politics, Morals Test 6 Unit 7 The judiciary Grammar Continuous tenses Speaking English High-rank judges in the UK Text Solicitors and barristers Annotation City lawyers in the USA Newspaper item Judge tells 29 to stand trial for Madrid bombs Test 7 Unit 8 Courts Grammar Perfect tenses Speaking English The Old Bailey Texts Annotation Test 8 1 The civil and criminal courts of the UK 2 Courts of the USA The Supreme Court Review 170 149 129 4
Unit 9 INTERPOL 191 Grammar Passive voice Speaking English Somali pirates Text INTERPOL’s activities and structure Newspaper items 1 An Interpol’s group to combat people smuggling 2 A joint operation targeting counterfeit and illegal medicines Test 9 Unit 10 Crimes and punishment Grammar Modal verbs Speaking English 1 Prisons in New Zealand 2 Corrections staff in US prisons Newspaper item Canadian commander sentence to life for murders Text Crimes and offences Test 10 Unit 11 Economic crimes Grammar Texts 229 The Rules of the sequence of tenses 1 Organized crimes in transporting goods through the EU 2 Banks and law of the Russian Federation Speaking English News from Vatican Newspaper item Wall Street economic crimes Test 11 Unit 12 Fraud Grammar Indirect speech Text Types of fraud Speaking English 1 Imposter fraud 2 Consumer fraud Newspaper item Electronic advances on both sides of law Test 12 Unit 13 Drug wars Grammar The infinitive Text Test 13 Unit 14 Corruption Grammar Passive infinitive Texts 5 1 Corruption in EU countries 2 Bribes History of drugs law in the UK Speaking English Local man facing fed drug trafficking charges Newspaper item The Cali cartel Annotation Drugs and the Criminal Law 283 266 246 210
Speaking English China to keep penalty for corruption crime Newspaper item SEC probes financial firms on bribes Test 14 Unit 15 Taxation Grammar Perfect infinitive Speaking English How to declare taxes in Spain Newspaper item New Nokia leader fined for tax fraud Text Taxes Annotation Taxation in the European Union Test 15 Unit 16 Copyright 323 Grammar Past participle Speaking English Music pirates News paper items 1 Russian law enforces move against online music pirates 2 UK judge rules Da Vinci Code author did not breach copyright Text Definition Test 16 Unit 17 Family law Grammar The gerund Speaking English Marriage by the Church of England Texts 1 The legal view of marriage 2 Divorce 3 Family law of some countries Newspaper item Russia lashes out at Finland over kidnapping Test 17 Unit 18 International law and cooperation Grammar 363 1 Complex sentences with clauses of unreal condition 2 The constructions with the verb to wish Speaking English Julian Assange releasing US diplomatic cables Announcements 1 Conference on international law and environmental protection 2 MACRO, a new international law firm Text International law Documents Test 18 Appendix 381 Keys to the tests and exercises 6 1 Outer space treaty 2 UN Charter 343 303